CFUnited Blog

Advanced Track Session "Fan Favorite"

Message from Raymond Camden:

I'm the track chair for the Advanced track at CFUNITED. We are looking to fill another session and thought it would be fun to open it to the public. If you have an idea for a session, suggest the topic along with a speaker. I'll take the best 5 topics (best being relative of course) and create a survey for folks to vote. If your session is chosen, you get a free ticket to the conference. Note that in order for your session to be eligible, you have to suggest a speaker who is also willing to do the presentation, and will be at CFUNITED.

CFUnited Europe Presentation Materials

Hello CFUnited Europe attendees! The presentations from the speakers of the event last week are posted. Please login on the site first. Then click on "topics" to view the presentations. Enjoy! A few are missing and we will pin down those speakers for copies. Thanks!

Peter Coppinger's adventure at CFUnited Europe

Peter Coppinger was excited to speak at his first CFUnited conference. His latest blog entry talks about how he survived his first time speaking at a major event, which was CFUnited Europe last week.

Read more about his adventure. And download a copy of his presentation.

"Mission accomplished - I spoke at CFUnited and survived.

Charlie Arehart was nice enough to give me some tips and help me rearrange and improve my Powerpoint presentation for the 2 hours before my talk.

With minutes to go, I saved my Powerpoint and suspended my laptop, then headed upstairs to the conference room. Now this was my first time speaking in front of more than 6 people and I was extremely nervous.

I get to the conference room and there are a few people in there already. I head up to the stage, laptop in hand and start setting up..."


Thanks for speaking at CFUnited Europe! Great Job. - Liz

Fusion Authority Interview with Mark Drew

An Interview with Mark Drew, Speaker at CFUNITED Europe Mar 09, 2008

by Paul Vernon

With CFUNITED Europe coming up, Paul Vernon, Fusion Authority reporter, has interviewed Mark Drew about his upcoming presentations and his work on the open source CFEclipse project.

Paul Vernon:
So, I guess the first question is, how did it all start for you? How did you get involved with ColdFusion, and what makes you stick with it?

Mark Drew:
My first involvement was back in 1997. I was working for a company called Nettec, and we were asked to develop an insurance quoting system. Up until then, I had been using Perl on an e-Commerce product called Intershop, and I didn't think Perl was up to the job, especially when you considered the time we had to do it, so I had a look around and stumbled upon ColdFusion. In about an afternoon I had most of the system written, apart from the pretty interface. After that, I recommended it to other developers for any custom work we had to do. We all loved it since we all came from a HTML background. It was a nice fit, and seemed to make a lot of sense.

Read more of this interview at

Grand Hyatt almost booked

The main hotel at the conference is about 3/4 full. We may add rooms if available. The Grand Hyatt is where the speakers will be staying as well as CFUnited Staff and other activities. There will be an "attendee" meeting room in the lower level. This room is available for attendees as a meeting space for special activities 24/7.

The hotel is approximately 2-3 blocks from the Convention Center entrance.

Book your room today!

CFUnited Europe Photos

Thank you Ouz Demirkap1 for taking photos of the conference. The experience was very different and very fun to organize. We had over 130 attendees from all over the world. Our sponsors exhibited for both days in the Chablis suite where we also enjoyed a delicious lunch. The session presentations were well done and prepared for and will be posted soon for attendees to view. Thank you everyone for attending and making day and night a special visit for CFUnited staff. :-)

Please see more photos at

15 days left before last early bird rate changes

The last early bird rate change is March 31st!! That means the price will increase by $100 at midnight 3/31/08

Why should you register now? You can create your personal schedule and plan your days. Next month we will see the most popular sign ups and decide Saturday's schedule of repeats. Also, if you register early enough, you will receive your free t-shirt in the mail sooner.

Did you know that we have discounts? email info (at)

Many have asked why do we even have early bird rates. The reason is that CFUnited has to plan and commit to spend a chunk of the costs for these events ahead of time. So when you see an early bird rate change you know when we have bills due. CFUnited is funded solely by its sponsors and ticket sales. Thank you for registering each year and keeping CFUnited going for almost a decade! This year you won't be disappointed. Expect your money's worth and more. This year bring a friend and take a tour in downtown Washington DC.

CFUnited Europe Media Sponsor: House of Fusion

We want to thank House of Fusion for being a media sponsor for CFUnited Europe!

"You're using ColdFusion and you need to know the answer to a question. You need to talk to someone who knows more ColdFusion than you. You need it now. Where do you go? Since 1996 (and earlier) the answer has been to the House of Fusion. Whether it's the high volume ColdFusion Technical Talk list (CF-Talk), another one of our popular technical (or non-technical) mailing lists, or articles, House of Fusion has always been there to enhance the ColdFusion developer community.

In addition, there is the Fusion Authority, the ColdFusion technical journal whose print edition brings you up-to-date with all the latest ColdFusion information and techniques. The clear, well-written articles bring even the highest level concepts down to earth.

The bottom line is that House of Fusion and Fusion Authority have the information you need to be a ColdFusion professional. "

CFUnited Europe conference next week!

With CFUnited Europe only days away, we are looking forward to having a great conference in London.

There is an excellent line up of speakers, topics, sponsors, and prizes to give away!

If you have yet to register, just visit There will be on site registration but registering online ensures a quick entrance to the conference.

Looking forward to seeing everyone =)

CFUnited Scheduler

For those of you who have already registered for CFUnited, you can now customize your conference schedule using the CFUnited Scheduler.

Pick out your favorite now before they fill up.

You must be registered and logged in to access the scheduler.

Note the Saturday schedule has not been posted yet, we expect to have it up within the next two weeks.

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