Peter Coppinger was excited to speak at his first CFUnited conference. His latest blog entry talks about how he survived his first time speaking at a major event, which was CFUnited Europe last week.

Read more about his adventure. And download a copy of his presentation.

"Mission accomplished - I spoke at CFUnited and survived.

Charlie Arehart was nice enough to give me some tips and help me rearrange and improve my Powerpoint presentation for the 2 hours before my talk.

With minutes to go, I saved my Powerpoint and suspended my laptop, then headed upstairs to the conference room. Now this was my first time speaking in front of more than 6 people and I was extremely nervous.

I get to the conference room and there are a few people in there already. I head up to the stage, laptop in hand and start setting up..."


Thanks for speaking at CFUnited Europe! Great Job. - Liz