We are excited to announce the CFUnited Wiki.
This wiki will be accessible year round. Once you become a CFUnited Attendee you can login to the Wiki and begin adding pages and comments of your own.
If you have never used wiki before, it is really easy.
What's on CFUnited wiki?
- Share Ride and Room, post a request to share a ride to CFUnited or see if anyone wants to split a hotel room
- Take notes at any of the CFUnited sessions and post your notes on the wiki topic page
- Make dinner reservations and see if anyone else would like to come. Great way to make new friends.
- Share your ideas and comments.
GO TO http://wiki.cfunited.com/ and use the email address and password that you registered with.
This entry was posted on May 16, 2007 at 2:52 PM and has received 4987 views. There are currently 0 comments.
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