CFUnited Blog

Bethesda Marriott -Last Reservations COB June 11th

The Bethesda Marriott Hotel at Pooks Hill is releasing the last set of room holds (15 left) on COB Monday June 11th. If you have not made a reservation, please do so by then.

Group Code: COFCOFA, 1-800-228-9290 or go to

After June 11th we will not be supplying any more room holds. Both the Bethesda North and Bethesda Marriotts will be sold out the entire week of CFUnited. Our suggestion if you need a hotel room in the area is to try the Hilton. 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, USA, 20852-1699 (1-301-468-1100)

CFUnited 2007 Preview: Peter Bell on Practical Code Generation by Example

In this 20-30 minute session, Peter Bell will preview his day-long class which will show how to generate sophisticated custom business applications - quickly, maintainably and extensibly. It doesn't matter whether you are procedural or object oriented - whether you use simple queries or stored procedures, whether you are an intermediate programmer or a guru. If you would like to spend more time solving new problems and less time writing the same old code, his day-long class will change the way you think about your job. Whether you've been generating code for years or are completely new to the concept, you will learn practical techniques and see real world examples that will allow you to significantly improve your skills. He'll preview how in each section we will use practical code examples that you can use in your real world applications while explaining important principles that will allow you to write more powerful, extensible and maintainable code.

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Calling all User Group Managers

Are you a User Group Manager?

Share ideas, tips and tools with other User Group Managers. CFUnited has a lot in store for you this year at the UGMM (User Group Manager Meeting).

Listen to Amy Brooks talk about Best Practices for Hosting Virtual UG Meetings via Acrobat Connect and Eddie Sullivan will tell stories of some of the best things managers do to make their group high impact.

We also have tips on How to get members involved, Tools to Manage a User Group Efficiently, and Learn about free methods to get your group out there.

Speakers include Adam Bell, Michael Smith, Eddie Sullivan, Amy Brooks, and Oguz Demirkami.

Only $29.95 and that covers lunch and a free drink afterwards in the bar.

User Group Managers are an important part of the user community and we want to make sure you get access to everything offered to UGs everywhere.

Like CFUnited's UG care packages? UGMM attendees will get care packages from CFUnited upto 3 times a year! And they will include items from all our sponsors!

We hope you will join us June 26th, 9am in Forest Glen on the lower level of the Bethesda North Marriott Conference Center.

CFUnited Web Video Interviews

We have posted another video from 2006 and we will post future videos here too.

See if your interview was included!

Also, don't forget that we will be conducting interviews on site at the event. Read the CFUnited Newsletter during the conference to find out where and when.

Thank you all so much for your kind words and excitement about CFUnited!

Grant Straker - Troubleshooting and Optimizing CFMX Performance

Find out how to optimize and troubleshoot CFMX driven applications. You will learn how to quickly debug and identify issues such as the server CPU going to 100%, what causes out of memory errors and how to track memory leaks. The session will also cover how to optimize your application for performance and scalability as well as how to monitor what is going on in the underlying java architecture. Grant is an experienced ColdFusion Developer who runs Straker Interactive, a successful ColdFusion software development house with offices in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. Many of the lessons you will learn in this session have been learnt the hard way and in 50 minutes you could save yourself many hours of head scratching and frustration down the track.

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Maxin Porges - Secrets of Top Notch Development Teams

Max has been leading software development teams for most of his career. In this session, Max will share his many secrets for success in all areas of successful team management. If you're a Team Lead or Development Manager, you'll learn how to maximize the potential of your existing team, as well as how to build a successful new team from scratch. Topics covered in detail include the following: - How to hire and retain the best talent (regardless of budget), including step-by-step coverage of an incredibly effective interview process - Using an open collaboration environment to achieve constant improvement with very little effort - Growing the skills of your team through tactical use of mentoring and delegation - Proven techniques for the creation and enforcement of development standards - Getting the most out of your team with peer review cycles - Striking the documentation balance: how much is "just enough"? - Effective distribution of new code and maintenance work for maximum throughput and skills development.

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50% chance to win a Wii - open source contest

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that so far there only have one entry for Ben Nadel's open source CF programming contest (with a deadline of Tuesday 6/5/07). With a first prize of a Wii AND a $1000 valued ticket to CFUNITED (and second and third prizes of 50% off your registration), the current only entrant Brice Mason is 100% certain to win! So if anyone else has some cool CF code that you want to make open source you would have a 50% chance of winning the top prize, and a good chance of winning something! You don't have to duplicate a paid component - just do something cool and make it open source. Perhaps you even have some code lying about your computer that is ready to submit as you read this... That code could snag you a Wii and CFUNITED ticket!

I guess the bad news is that if other people do enter by Tuesday that Brice's chances go down.

Overflow Hotel Rate Changes

Our overflow hotel, the Bethesda Marriott on Pooks Hill Road, has 30 more rooms available at $239. After June 11th, however, the discount on these rooms will no longer be available and the regular hotel rates will apply!

So register now and book your room with the group code COFCOFA.

Check out the Travel Page for more information.

See you at CFUnited!

"Cat's" out of the bag... CF Celebration Location!

June 28th 2007

ColdFusion Celebration

This Event is free to attendees of CFUnited 07!

Adobe, TeraTech and Hostmysite are joining together to throw a very special event in celebration of ColdFusion. The event will be held at The National Zoo in Washington DC. Attendees will meet at 6:30pm in the lower level registration lobby and buses will transfer everyone over to the zoo for open bar and some hors d'oeuvres. (Please note we are not serving a full dinner) Everything will be served at the Great Cats Exhibit over looking all the Lions and Tigers.

If you would like to bring a guest and purchase a ticket for just the evening event please contact, Liz Frederick at liz (at)

Join the CF Tribe for drinks and fun. A night never to forget. More surprizes yet to come.

Drew Robbins - An End-to-end overview of Microsoft's New Web Application Server IIS7

The future of Microsoft's Web Server Platform is exciting for developers! The release of Internet Information Services 7.0 in Windows Vista and Server will dramatically improve the development, deployment and management of web sites and applications. This demo packed session will highlight an all new, distributed configuration system and administration tool, a new modularized core web server with powerful new extensibility support. Most importantly, you will see how to plug in custom modules, written in native or managed code, in order to implement entirely new capabilities for IIS 7 and the web applications it delivers. Learn how these advances and more make IIS the best place to run ColdFusion applications.

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