CFUnited Blog

CFUnited New Topics

Added this week

6/20/2008 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Ajay Sathaluri Expanding the power of Fusebox: advanced layout, access control and lexicons in Fusebox 4.x and 5.x FWC

6/20/2008 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Mike Brunt High Availability - Clustering ColdFusion DDT

6/20/2008 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Jeff Peters Square Pegs, Round Holes, and Big Hammers - Where Should This Code Go? ADV

6/20/2008 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Elliott Sprehn Internals of the Adobe ColdFusion Server ADV

CFUnited registration down temporarily

Having weather interuptions temporarily. Will be back up soon.

Update: And we're back!

CF 8 winner of the "Best Web Services Solution"

The Software & Information Industry Association has announced the 2008 Codie Awards. Cold Fusion 8 was the winner of the "Best Web Services Solution" caergory.

Initial press coverage is here:

And the Codie site is here:

Count down begins - Questions for CFUnited Attendees

Less than two weeks away! Everyone's getting excited. You've probably booked your flight, pulled out the luggage from the closet, dusted off the old CFUnited bookbag from 2006, wrote down what your away message will read, read up on where to eat in DC, and printed up your scheduler printout for the 10th time.

Answer any number of these questions for us on your own blog. We love to hear what people are thinking. We've been working for you and can't wait to see everything come together.


What are you looking forward to most?

Which speaker will most likely end up on your camera?

What do you plan to do outside conference time? (Clubbing/Bar Hopping, DC Tour, DC dinner cruise, Museum, Fine dining, Live Band shows, etc.)

Fill in the blank: I will mainly be around the ______ booth.

Do you have a new project you are working on and will reveal it at CFUnited?


Thanks. See you in a couple weeks!

***Don't forget to add yourself to the CFUnited Twitter. Spread the message.

***Find out more to do while you visit and see

CFUnited Podcast: Nate Nelson - Database Performance Tuning

CFUnited Podcast: Nate Nelson - Database Performance Tuning

Hosted by Christian Ready

Ever have a slow running application and you know you have gone to all extents to make your code run quick. If you don't have a DBA available to performance tune your database then learn how to do it yourself. There are many ways to improve database performance and you will learn them here. The presentation will include examples of slow peroforming queries on large amounts of data. Watch these techniques improve performance 10 times over.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Ben Nadel

CFUnited Podcast: CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Ben Nadel

Hosted by Christian Ready

I sat down with Ben Nadel who was attending his first CFUnited conference! An avid blogger at Kinky Solutions, Ben explained his philosophy of being a perpetual student of ColdFusion and of web development, how the ColdFusion community has benefited him, and on making the transition from procedural to Object-Oriented development.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Movie Poll for AboutWeb Community Pit

Vote for your favorite Sci-Fi movies and we'll show the top 5 movies in each category during CFUnited! Visit the AboutWeb Movie Tent in the Community Area to see the winners!

Open Source BlueDragon BOF newly presented by Adam Haskell

We got word last week that Vince Bonfanti will not be presenting at CFUnited this year. In his place for the Open Source Birds of Feather Session at 8:30pm on Wednesday the 18th, Adam Haskell will present.

Replacing Adam Haskell as the speaker for the BOF, Improving Quality through Code Reviews and Mentoring is now Mark Drew.

The topic "IIS 7.0 for CFML Developers" is now canceled. Track Chairs are working on replacing the topic for the schedule. More information soon.

Jeff Tapper replaced by Mike Nimer

Jeff Tapper just announced to me that he will not be able to present at CFUnited this year. Instead Mike Nimer will be speaking on his topic. More updates to come.

Pre-Conference Class Instructor Change -CF's AJAX Advantage

Jared Rypka-Hauer is unable to teach the pre-conference class on Tuesday June 17th. In his place Scott Stroz will be instructing this class.

To register go to:

CU238 Scott Stroz ColdFusion's AJAX Advantage

How to make the most of ColdFusion 8's EXT2 integration

ColdFusion 8 has some great AJAX widgets built in, but there's far more available than simply what's available via the ColdFusion API. Behind that API is a rich and very extensive set of tools from the EXT JavaScript AJAX library. Come to this class to get tools, tips and tricks for leveraging some of the power of EXT in your applications. We will go over various APIs for the EXT objects that ColdFusion exposes directly (like the grid object) as well as some of the supporting objects that make the EXT framework so powerful.

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