CFUnited Blog

Be the first to own ColdFusion 9

Be the very first to own a copy of ColdFusion 9 at CFUnited next week! Winner will receive the copy in the mail as soon as the release is announced.

To be eligible to win you must:

  • be a registered CFUnited attendee
  • fill out your session/ conference surveys
  • be present during the Demo Mania Friday at 5:20pm

We will be raffling off a lot more really cool Adobe software, ThinkGeek goodies and other sponsor prizes, so make sure you are present!

Changes to Saturday schedule

Nate Nelson's "Database Tips, Tricks, and Secrets" has moved to 11am

Dan Blackman's "Design Patterns and ColdFusion: Exploring Object Based Programming" will not be repeated on Saturday. The session will be removed from the Saturday schedule shortly.

ColdFusion Trivia Friday - Terrence Ryan

ColdFusion Trivia Friday

In honor of CFUnited next week, I'm running a little Friday giveaway contest.

I will be asking 1 ColdFusion trivia question every 30 minutes on Twitter (@tpryan) starting Friday August 7th from 12:00PM to 2:00PM EDT. Use the Twitter hash tag #CFTFri. This will total 5 questions, and therefore 5 chances at a prize. The first person who gets a particular question right, as determined by my twitter client, gets the question's prize. Prizes are limited to one prize per person. So if you win one, you cannot win another.

Prizes will be:

* 4 ColdFusion Rocks t shirts - 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30

* 1 set ColdFusion 8 Scotch Glasses (4 glasses in set) 2:00

After you win, we'll get in touch with each other via direct message. Then I'll get your shipping details (not limited to USA), and shirt size.

- Terrence Ryan

CFUnited mobile schedule

"What's Next?" App by Raymond Camden

We've all been there... at a conference, probably carrying a huge laptop bag filled with sponsor swag in one hand coffee on the other... trying to rush to figure out what session to attend next when you realize that little printed schedule of the conference sessions you were holding is lost somewhere in the session you were sitting in hours ago... *sigh*

Thanks to Ray's new "What's Next?" app the paper schedule is no more and you wont be late to another session! The app lets you quickly browse the conference schedule right from your mobile phone. It lists session based on the day and time and even has a nice search and "What's Next?" feature so you can quickly see what sessions are coming up. It even lists the speaker name, room name, number of seats, and the description of the session all on one page. If you are attending CFUnited next week be sure to bookmark on your phone.

** For those of you who would prefer the printed schedule, don't fret we will printing the schedule of session like we have in the past.

Ajay Sathurlui - Session Raffle details

A message from Ajay Sathuluri - Speaker

CFUnited is next week!

I'll be presenting on Wednesday on "Dynamic Load Testing with Webserver Stress Tool". I'll be covering Basic, parameterized, and scripted load testing. It's a fairly inexpensive tool, but can do some powerful testing.

This week I also found out I'll be able to raffle 3 software licenses: 2 licenses for Paessler Webserver Stress Tool, and 1 for FusionReactor server monitor! ($1000 worth of software). Licenses sponsored by Paessler and Intergral, respectively.


* Test Types

* setting up a set of URLs

* Multiple users

* URLs bound to a dataset (parameterize the tested URLs, merge with a dataset; one set for each user)

* Scripting, instead of list of URLs

* Simulate multiple simultaneous CF sessions

* How to simulate AJAX calls

* Test results and logs; where's the most useful information

Need a ticket to CFUnited?

Do you really want to attend CFUnited next week but aren't able to because of costs? We have a few discounted tickets that we can offer in exchange for some help at the event. Send an email to info (at) with subject "I want to attend" and tell us why you want to be at CFUnited. This is perfect for those of you who live in the DC area and don't need to worry about travel arrangements.

What is your favorite ColdFusion 9 feature?

The official CFUnited 09 conference t shirts are here and we want to give a few away!

We want to know what your favorite ColdFusion 9 features are. Tweet your favorite CF 9 feature and why within 140 characters, and include hash tag #CFUnited-CF9. One winner will be picked at random each day. Contest begins today and will end the day before CFUnited begins on Tuesday Aug 11th. Start tweeting!

** If you don't use twitter and want to participate you can comment your favorite CF9 feature on the blog and we will pick one winner out of the comments next week.

Conference Tips

What do alumni conference goers recommend? We've done research and interviews to find out how to make the most out of your experience and be the most prepared. Do you have any tips of your own?

1. Bring a lot of business cards and make sure to take home anyone's but your own.

2. Bring the right clothes. It is going to be a hot summer week. The Air conditioner will be running, but if you get cold easily, bring a light sweatshirt.

3. Have a list of numbers, addresses, and confirmation numbers in one place. try keeping it all in one envelope.

4. Leave time while at the conference to invite someone you meet to dinner or drinks.

5. Take notes about what you learn about in the sessions and feel free to share a link to your notes in the comments under each topic listed on the website.

6. Follow CFUnited and others to get the most out of the conference.

7. Sleep when you get homeýCFUnited is a huge and fantastic event, so make the most of it!

8. If you bring your laptop, find an area in the session rooms near the power strips. And feel free to use the workstation quiet rooms to work or answer emails privately.

9. Ask questions.

10. Drink lots of water. Keeping hydrated will keep you going day in and day out.

BONUS: Thank the conference/hotel staff. It helps to know how things are going.

Speaker Spotlight: Oguz Demirkapi

Oguz Demirkapi - Code poet and lover of all things related to intelligent web technologies. He started developing CGI web applications in 1994 and has developed cutting edge ColdFusion applications since 1997. Serving as Chief Technological Officer or Senior Developer for many well known commercial and Blue Chip companies in Turkey, Germany and the U.S., O?uz has been a fixture in the ever evolving realm of computer science and a selfless mentor to aspiring developers. He remains active in various user groups such as Linux, ColdFusion, Flex etc. and was the founder and leader of CFTR - ColdFusion Turkey User Group, an emerging hub of ColdFusion development.
CFUnited sessions: Building Scalable Web Applications with ColdFusion , Geolocation with ColdFusion

1. Have you spoken at CFUnited in the past?

Yes, I have spoken on i18N (Internationalization) on ColdFusion which was probably one of the first talks given on this topic in the US. CFUnited is the premier ColdFusion conference that every CFML developer should experience in order to feel the power and excitement of such a vibrant community. I used to work for TeraTech at two consecutive CFUnited events (2006, 2007) and as an insider I consider it to be the most enjoyable and beneficial part of my time in the D.C. area. My simple advice, just go for it!

2. Why should people attend your session(s)?

I will be covering 2 different topics this year. The first topic will cover some of the aspects of creating scalable CFML applications. Having worked on and architected many diverse projects, from simple to complex, across various platforms including Perl, C/C++, and PHP, I'd like to synthesize these perspectives in order to bring solutions to the CFML platform. Currently we are rewriting our main application and my daily routine revolves around thinking about and implementing powerful, scalable, and maintainable applications/platforms. The second topic, geolocation, is not so well known in the ColdFusion community. I'd like to showcase the beauty of some of the new application ideas to geolocation. This should be a lot of fun and perhaps in return, will inspire new visions for your own applications.

3. Do you have any projects in the works that you will be revealing at CFUnited?

I look forward to sharing with the CFUnited community, the i18N translation manager tool I've developed. What this tool provides is a management platform for multilingual application implementation that you can embed to your admin or just use as a standalone application to manage your translation needs with versioning and import/export features for ColdFusion or Flex properties files.

4. Besides your topic, what other sessions are you looking forward to?

I really would like to see topics discussing cloud computing power, CFML & Flex & BlazeDS integrations and of course Railo and open source world opportunities. I think the most important step will be the new ColdBox version which introduces many new features.

5. What are some of the hot topics you'd like to see at RoundTable discussions?

I think new opportunities with the open source Railo platform will be the most interesting talk. Questions such as the future of the ColdFusion and OOP implementations in CFML world will still be the popular topics.

6. Where can people find you at CFUnited?

I will be everywhere. If you see somebody taking strange photos in strange locations, that's me! :)

7. What's the latest news with you? Has anything changed since last CFUnited?

I've moved to California just after the last CFUnited. I came to CA by way of a week long, adventurous cross country drive. It was an interesting experience for me and my family. We are now in sunny southern California; one of the best locations in the U.S.--Orange County. I have also created a new user group in my area and I am the founder/manager for OCDev - Orange County Adobe Developers User Group (

8. What is unique about CFUnited?

CFUnited is a focal point and unifying presence in the ColdFusion world. ColdFusion developers, Unite! :)

9. What do you like to do in your free time?

Mainly I play chess and Go. For sporting activities, I enjoy table tennis and surfing. Reading/writing on philosophy and especially epistemology have been long time interests. Life is good!

CFUnited Tweetup

Get together with other Tweeple at the CFUnited Tweetup! Everyone is invited, even non-CFUnited attendees! Taking place at the Stonewalls Tavern Bar in Lansdowne Resort at Thursday 10:30pm right after the Adobe Pool Party. Check out CFUnited attendees on twitter. More info coming soon so stay tuned.

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