Hello my patient followers :) Now, (drumroll please), it is my honor to introduce to you...THE NEXT SET OF TOPICS! Whooohoooooo!

I hope you are all as excited as I am!

AIR Development with jQuery and ColdFusion - Ray Camden

ColdFusion Builder Extensions, making your IDE work for you! - Simon Free

ColdFusion with noSQL - John Paul Ashenfelter

Design Patterns for ColdFusion + Flex RIA - Joe Rinehart

FW/1 - The Invisible Framework - Sean Corfield

I Bet You Didn't Know You Could Do That With ColdFusion - Elliott Sprehn

The Swiz Framework - Brian Kotek

10 Things You Should Know About ORM - Sam Farmer

ColdFusion Builder - Chaz Chumley

Cache Me If You Can - Dan Wilson and Mike Brunt

More to come soon...

Check out our topics' page to see these topic descriptions and our full list of topics!!