CFUnited Blog

Saturday Schedule

Thank you all for helping us with the session survey. It helped us determine the most popular topics. Saturday's Schedule has been posted on the Scheduler and Schedule page. We will be adding more topics to Saturday's schedule.

Birds of Feather Sessions will be announced next week.

YouTube CFUnited Journey Contest

Have you seen our Interview Video on the homepage? Yes, the one with Rob Gonda's face on it. Hear what people think about last year's event and what they look forward to most.

YouTube Contest

Tells us your journey to CFUnited and what you are looking forward to most. Post your short video on your own YouTube account and then post your video at the cfunited group here and tag your video as "CFUnitedJourney". Then notify nafisa (at) and she will choose 3 entries to post on our home page. Those who get re-posted on our website will be given a $50 gift certificate to BestBuy! Submit entries by June 5th. Have fun!

Here are some ideas:

* the moment when you receive your pamphlet in the mail
* telling your friends about CFUnited
* choosing your sessions online
* when you receive your cap or t-shirt in the mail
* tell us what you look forward to the most
* funny tales about your past experiences
* footage from your journey last year

-the journey can be put together with photo's, video, animation, etc

-final video should be no longer then 5 mins long.

Good luck, and any other questions can be directed to Nafisa. Thanks!

Tom Link - Flex 2.0 Event Model

Understanding the Flex event model is critical to developing powerful Flex applications. Further, using the event model to build your own components and architect your application, while not required, is considered an important best practice for building scalable and maintainable applications. While developers experienced with other languages that utilize the DOM event model (e.g. Java and JavaScript) are usually familiar with concepts related to the event model, many ColdFusion developers struggle with this important concept. This session will discuss the event model, why it is important, how it is implemented in Flex's core architecture, and how custom components and application architecture can utilize events to foster scalable and maintainable Flex applications. This session will also discuss a related conceptual hurdle for web programmers the asynchronous nature of Flex applications. We'll discuss how this relates to both the event model and integration with backend systems like ColdFusion.

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