CFUnited Blog

CF Meetup: Building ColdFusion based Flex applications using ZoomFlex, with Grant Straker

CF Meetup: Building ColdFusion based Flex applications using ZoomFlex, with Grant Straker

Thursday, Jan 24, 12:00pm EST

Meeting URL:

We'll have two speakers on Jan 24. First up will be Grant Straker on "Building ColdFusion based Flex applications using ZoomFlex". I'll have more on the 6pm speaker later in a separate entry.

Attend this meetup to get a quick intro into ZoomFlex, a ColdFusion based rapid development tool for building Cairngorm based Flex applications. You will learn why the Cairngorm framework is so important in Flex development and get a clear understanding of it's main features and concepts. The session will also take you through some of the best practices with regards to buildling data driven CF / Flex application and how to leverage CF and as a server side engine for Flex applications.

Learn more here:

CFUnited Podcast: Simon Horwith: Success From The Trenches - Building Better Applications

CFUnited Podcast: Simon Horwith: Success From The Trenches - Building Better Applications

Hosted by Christian Ready

What is it that makes some applications successful while others fail? What causes server performance and stability issues and how do you avoid and troubleshoot them? Can ColdFusion applications really scale? In this session, Simon will explain the traits that make some applications a success and others fail. He will explore the things that developers can do to ensure that their applications will scale. He will walk you through the thought process when architecting and/or code reviewing a ColdFusion application. Simon's 11+ years of experience developing, designing, reviewing, and troubleshooting ColdFusion applications has exposed him to some of the largest enterprise CF applications and most rigorous demands on the planet, and he has seen first-hand what does and doesn't work in the real world. In this session, Simon will divulge many of the tricks of the trade that will lead to success for attendees.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Interview: Matt Woodward - CF 8 and AJAX, Real world FX and CF, Mach II

The following is an interview conducted by Brian Rinaldi, Adobe Community Expert, and User Group manager of Boston CFUG, regarding Matt Woodward's presentation topics for CFUnited 2008.

Matt Woodward is Principal IT Specialist for the Office of the Sergeant at Arms at the United States Senate. Matt is a long-time ColdFusion developer, an Adobe Community Expert for ColdFusion, the manager of the Capitol Hill User Group, and co-host of the ColdFusion Weekly Podcast.

So what sessions are you doing this year at CFUnited?

This year at CFUnited I'm presenting sessions entitled "ColdFusion 8 and AJAX: Easy For You, Better For Users," "Real World Flex and ColdFusion," and "Head First Mach-II."

Ok, well, let's start with the CF8 Ajax session...can you tell me more about it?

Sure--one of the big new features in ColdFusion 8 is built-in AJAX functionality, and as with everything in ColdFusion, it's extremely simple to use and requires very little coding to get some very cool things happening in your applications. So that's the "easy for you part." The "better for users" part refers to the fact that when used judiciously, AJAX does make for a much better, more immediate user experience, so I'll talk about when you might want to use AJAX to give your users a better experience than with traditional HTML.

Right, I have used some of the features. In fact, to me the Ajax feature I will likely use most is the CFAjaxProxy.

Definitely--it's a very slick and easy way to get at your CFCs via javascript.

Is the Flex and ColdFusion presentation the one you did for us at Flex Camp Boston?

Actually it will be similar, but I'll modify and update it a bit based on the feedback I got after Flex Camp. The goal of this presentation is to get ColdFusion developers excited about Flex and show them some very simple things they can do right away to get started with Flex. A lot of ColdFusion developers are excited about Flex but don't know where to start and might not be aware of some of the key things that will make them successful right out of the gate with Flex development.

For those people who didn't see it, your presentation was very well received at our Flex Camp. We had a lot of very advanced topics and you really filled a need for our attendees.

I made the joke that while I didn't design my own color matching algorithms (referring to the very cool stuff done by the folks who worked on, I think there are lots of basic techniques CF developers can use to get started so they can not be so scared of Flex.

As for Head First Mach-II, I assume this will be along the lines of Peter's presentation of the same name?

Yes, this is actually a tradition we started at the Frameworks Conference back in 2005 if I remember correctly, and Peter and I originally did a joint presentation at that conference. This is a presentation I give a lot online to various groups so it's been fine-tuned over the past few years, but it's a great way for people to dive into Mach-II and some basic OO concepts in ColdFusion.

Well, I have seen it before, but with all the new features in 1.5, I am sure to learn something new.
So, you can probably expect to see me in the audience. (and I promise not to heckle too much)

Excellent--we'll also probably reveal some 1.6 and 2.0 features.

I was just going to ask that.

We've publicized a lot of the Mach-II 1.6 features, and we'll probably be ready for a release at CFUnited, so expect to hear a lot about 1.6. The features for 2.0 haven't been released publicly yet but rest assured we have some big plans for 2.0.

So, will the ColdFusion Weekly make an appearance at this CFUnited?
Any plans for doing a show from the conference?

Yes, we'll definitely be doing some interviews and daily wrap-ups from the conference. We're starting off a bit slow in 2008 since we're going through some retooling of the podcast, but we should be in full-force by CFUnited!

I remember being on a panel for the Weekly two years ago at CFUnited. It was fun...and there was quite a funny moment with Michael Dinowitz.

Yes, it's always fun to record people when they're relaxed and having fun with fellow CF lovers.

Anything else you are looking forward to at the conference you want to discuss?
A new MachBlog release perhaps? ;)

Funny you should mention that! I just moved MachBlog over to Google Code about 15 minutes ago and am starting on a revamped version. I'll definitely have more to say about that by CFUnited.
As always the thing I'm most looking forward to about CFUnited is the networking and just seeing everyone I don't get to see that often. That's always the best part of the conference for me.

Agreed. Well, I will be looking forward to grabbing a beer or two with you there! Thanks for taking the time to speak with me.

Glad to do it! I'll see everyone at CFUnited!

What do you want to see in the next version of ColdFusion?

What do you want to see in the next version of CF? Here is a great opportunity to let Adobe know what you think would make CF even better.

Check out Damon Coopers blog and take the Adobe ColdFusion Features Survey and Adobe ColdFusion Platform and Vendor Support Survey.

CF Meetup: CFUnited Europe Preview, "Practical Code Generation", with Peter Bell

CF Meetup: CFUnited Europe Preview, "Practical Code Generation", with Peter Bell

Thursday, Jan 17, 6:00pm EST

Meeting URL:

Peter Bell, presenting another preview session for the upcoming CFUnited Europe event ( being held March 12-13th in London. These preview talks will be about half the duration of the full hour-long sessions, giving a taste of what the full session would cover. He will be speaking on "Practical Code Generation".

A 20-30 minute preview session of my full session where we'd learn how to generate your applications in a fraction of the time by using the latest techniques proven to reduce application development times - from Software Product Lines to Domain Specific Languages.

Learn more here:

Dan Vega - I am going to CFUnited

I am so excited that I will be able to attend CFUnited this year. First off I just want to say what a great cfug meeting we had yesterday. Ben Forta and Adam Lehman gave a presentation on Lesser known goodies in ColdFusion 8. This was my first time meeting Adam and I have to say it was great. If you do not know Adam he is technical evangelist for ColdFusion. Overall I thought they both did a great job with the presentation as well as Q&A with everyone.

After the meeting we had a bunch of prizes to give away. I ended up wining a CFUnited portfolio. One of the big prizes was a free pass to CFUnited. While the first winner declined the pass the next winner was a member of the Adobe User group and her name is Kelly. We were actually sitting at the same table and when she came back to the table she asked me if I wanted to switch. I said what? She said here I know you want this and I am not going to use this. I can not thank Kelly enough for this. She could have easily sold it to the highest bidder but she gave it to me for nothing. I know this may not seem like a big deal to other but in this day and age It really is great to see. Hopefully I can find a way to pay her back!

With that being said I will be attending CFUnited this year and could not be more excited. I am really looking forward to the conference as well as the chance to meet all of you that I talk to all of the time. Two of my resolutions this year were to work more open source proejcts into my time and attend a major conference. So far 2008 is not looking to shabby!

Dan Vega

Flex and AIR Pre-release Tour with Adobe's Dave Gruber & Tim Buntel

Flex 3 and AIR are getting close to launch and in preparation, Dave Gruber & Tim Buntel from the Adobe Flex/AIR product team is traveling to select cities to show off the great new features and help prepare us for this exciting launch.

Flex 3 is a feature-packed release, adding new UI components like the advanced datagrid and improved CSS capabilities; powerful tooling additions like refactoring; and extensive testing tools including memory and performance profiling, plus the addition of the automated testing framework to Flex Builder.

Adobe AIR is game-changing in so many ways, extending rich applications to the desktop, enabling access to the local file system, system tray, notifications and much more. Now you can write desktop applications using the same skills that you've been already using to create great web apps including both Flex and AJAX.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see and hear about this highly anticipated release of Flex 3 and AIR during this special pre-release tour. Plus, in addition to giving away some one of a kind Flex/AIR branded schwag, we will also be raffling off a copy of Flex Builder 3 Professional (pending availability) and a full commercial copy of CS3 Web Premium at this event!

Jan 21

8:30 - 9:00 AM Breakfast & Networking

9:00 - 11:00 AM Presentation

Fig Leaf Software

1400 16th Street, NW

Washington DC 20036

iPod Touch - end of early bird raffle results

Anyone who registered before the early bird date for CFUnited Europe and CFUnited USA 2008 was entered in a raffle to win an iPod Touch.

Winner for CFUnited Europe: Simon Wallace-Jones

Winner for CFUnited: Rob Langston

Congratulations! Look in your mail box for your prize!

Boy am I jealous. I'd love an iPod Touch, who wouldn't. More opportunities to win an iPod Touch or Nintendo Wii will be announced later. Don't miss out!

Ben Forta - User Group tour

If you are near Cleveland, Orlando or Atlanta, be sure not to miss the Flex 3 / AIR Pre-Release Tour. Ben Forta will be speaking at the following User groups shortly.

Cleveland Adobe User Group Jan 10, 2008

Orlando Adobe User Group Jan 21, 2008

Atlanta Adobe User Group Jan 22, 2008

There will be lots of excitement, networking, and prizes being given away including CFUnited swag & a free pass to CFUnited 2008! Be sure to RSVP if you plan to go because seating is limited.

New Adobe Flex and AIR Topics for CFUnited Europe

The following are topics being given by our Gold Sponsor, Adobe Systems:

NEW!!! March 12-13th 2008 in London

On Wednesday 1:30:

"Taking Web Applications to the Desktop: Intro to Adobe AIR 1.0"

On Thursday at 9:45:

"Adobe Flex 3 Overview: Latest features"

On Thursday at 3:20:

"Enterprise RIAs: LiveCycle Data Services / BlazeDS"

Full Descriptions and Speaker names will be listed soon at

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