I am so excited that I will be able to attend CFUnited this year. First off I just want to say what a great cfug meeting we had yesterday. Ben Forta and Adam Lehman gave a presentation on Lesser known goodies in ColdFusion 8. This was my first time meeting Adam and I have to say it was great. If you do not know Adam he is technical evangelist for ColdFusion. Overall I thought they both did a great job with the presentation as well as Q&A with everyone.

After the meeting we had a bunch of prizes to give away. I ended up wining a CFUnited portfolio. One of the big prizes was a free pass to CFUnited. While the first winner declined the pass the next winner was a member of the Adobe User group and her name is Kelly. We were actually sitting at the same table and when she came back to the table she asked me if I wanted to switch. I said what? She said here I know you want this and I am not going to use this. I can not thank Kelly enough for this. She could have easily sold it to the highest bidder but she gave it to me for nothing. I know this may not seem like a big deal to other but in this day and age It really is great to see. Hopefully I can find a way to pay her back!

With that being said I will be attending CFUnited this year and could not be more excited. I am really looking forward to the conference as well as the chance to meet all of you that I talk to all of the time. Two of my resolutions this year were to work more open source proejcts into my time and attend a major conference. So far 2008 is not looking to shabby!

Dan Vega