CFUnited Blog

Vince Bonfanti - BlueDragon - Five Years of CFUnited: Yesterday, Today and the Road Ahead.

Note: Part of the audio of this presentation was never recorded. Sorry about that!

2006 marks the fifth year that New Atlanta has been present at CFUN/CFUnited since BlueDragon was first introduced at CFUN'02. Today, BlueDragon is firmly established as a world-class, enterprise-ready alternative for deploying CFML applications in standard Java/J2EE and Microsoft .NET server environments. During the first part of this keynote session, Vince Bonfanti, president and co-founder of New Atlanta, will provide an overview of the history of BlueDragon and trace its evolution over the years, highlighting significant customer successes in government, education, health care, finance, retail, and other industries.

During the second part of this keynote, Vince will highlight and demonstrate some of the unique features offered by BlueDragon and how you can use these features to improve your productivity and the performance of your CFML applications. Vince will conclude by demonstrating some of the new features being introduced in BlueDragon 7.0 that continue BlueDragon's tradition of innovation and leadership in the CFML server market.

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CFUNITED countdown is live

Unsure how much time left until CFUNITED-07? Then check our Flash countdown widget on the CFUNITED home page to find out exactly how many days, hours, minutes and seconds until CFUNITED!

New User Group manager topics announced

Two new topics for the User Group manager event

Michael Smith - How to get members involved

Are you the only person running your group? Would you like to get some members to help you? Learn how can you encourage members to get more involved and take some of the pressure off you, the group manager.

Michael has been running MDCFUG since 1998 with regular help from many members.

Oguz Demirkapi - Tools to Manage a User Group Efficiently

Communication is important, and we need to be more proactive in our communication to be more efficient. Tools are very important to create good communication in a group or individually. But what tools would be interesting specially for the user groups? What is the best way of collaborating? How can we improve our communication? Do we learn from other user groups to generate more efficient tools and environments?

I would like to share my experiences in these fields not only being an old CFUG manager, but also being an active person at open source user communities.

Charlie Arehart - Web Services Tips and Tricks

We all know that CFML makes web services creation and consumption easy. Still, there tips and tricks that can solve common problems in working with them, or expose new possibilities you may not have considered. In this presentation, veteran CFUG speaker Charlie Arehart will share some useful (and some little used) features of ColdFusion MX, BlueDragon, and Dreamweaver MX to help you make the most of web services. He'll also show several ways to test web services, as well as point out some interesting and useful examples of real web services you can use in business today. He'll also cover challenges of passing data between CFML and other web service apps, including .NET.

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CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle

Everyone who signs up before Friday 6/15/07 5pm EDT will be entered in a raffle to win one Apple iPod Nano. The iPod will be selected at random on Monday 6/18/07 from one of the people who are registered for the class. Each class registration counts as one "ticket" in the raffle.

Registration and more info at

Monday 6/25
CU221 Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
CU222 Ajay Sathuluri CF Server Administration for Security and More
CU223 Oguz Demirkapi Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice
CU224 Nate Nelson Advanced Database

Tuesday 6/26
CU225 Peter Bell Practical Code Generation: By Example
CU226 Simon Horwith Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for Performance and Scalability
CU227 John Paul Ashenfelter Best Practice Bootcamp for Developers
CU228 Charlie Arehart New in CFMX 6 and 7: What Did You Miss?

User Group Manager Meeting New Update

Calling all User Group Managers! This is going to be a fun event. Have a beer and a fabulous lunch on us and listen to great talks from experienced User Group Managers and Adobe professionals.

ONLY $29.95 !!! Register now

Speakers for UGMM

Adam Bell: Riding the User Group Free-way: Using free ways to get your group out there.

Michael Smith: TBD

Oğuz Demirkapı: TBD

Eddie Sullivan: Case studies from the front lines - Ed's stories of some of the best things managers do to make their group high impact.

Amy Brooks: Best Practices for Hosting Virtual UG Meetings via Acrobat Connect.

Over Flow Hotel Bethesda Marriott - Pooks Hill

PLEASE NOTE: The Bethesda Marriott has only 20 rooms per night left. They will be releasing any rooms not booked on June 11th. The price will go up after that. Another over flow hotel will not be provided after June 11th. You may try Bethesda Marriott Suites (2 miles), Rockville Hilton Executive Meeting Center (1 mile), or Ramada Inn (1 mile).

If you would like to find someone to split the cost of a hotel room, go to then login and click "Share a Hotel" and place a request or view a request.

Mike Nimer - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Integration 201

Using Flex 2.0, you can now deploy Flex applications using any number of backend technologies without the addition of a Flex server product. However, with the new ColdFusion-Flex connectivity features, ColdFusion will have a significant advantage over all other backend technologies; providing the most efficient data exchange, the easiest programming model, and specialized tooling that make it the fastest, easiest way to build Flex apps with or without the purchase of a Flex server. This session will provide advanced details on RemoteObject and the CF-Flex connectivity features including the use of value objects to exchange data between ColdFusion and Flex. General tips and tricks related to data exchange between ColdFusion and Flex will also be discussed. Previous experience with CF/Flex applications is highly suggested.

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Registration Package

All Attendees... You should have received your registration package or you'll get it soon. Anyone who registered after May 4th will get their materials in another couple weeks.

The package includes information about registration check-in, directions, scheduler, hotel, etc. The package also contains your new CFUnited Tshirt for 2007! You can purchase another CFUnited Tshirt at the main event. Other CFUnited items for purchase onsite are women tshirts, mugs, and hats.

If you have any questions during your travel to the Bethesda North Marriott you can call 301.424.3903 and ask for either Liz Frederick or Nafisa Sabu. The entire CFUnited Staff will be onsite at the hotel beginning June 24th. Feel free to also AIM - CFConfCentral anytime. Thanks and we can't wait to see you in June!

Don't forget to fill out your personal scheduler and visit our new wiki page!

Interview with with Jeremy Kadlec on "SQL Server Development Short Takes"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Jeremy Kadlec about his CFUNITED-07 talk "SQL Server Development Short Takes". So why should a developer come to your session Jeremy?

Jeremy Kadlec: The content and format for my session, I believe is going to be very beneficial to all of the attendees. It is a very different approach to information delivery.

Michael Smith: How is your session going to be so different?

Jeremy Kadlec: Base on our consulting work with ColdFusion community, I am taking 10 common SQL Server issues that we have faced and formatting the session as the problem, solution, demo and next steps.

Michael Smith: Wow that is a much different approach.

Jeremy Kadlec: Yes - The session is going to be fast paced to cover the material, but the attendees are going to reap benefits from each issue and resolution that is addressed.

Michael Smith: So when the attendees leave they are really going to be able to take the information back with them and improve there SQL Servers?

Jeremy Kadlec: Absolutely! That is the goal of the session.

Michael Smith: Can you give us a preview of some of the topics that are going to be covered?

Jeremy Kadlec: I do not want to give away too much, but I will let you know that the session will start off with information on SQL Server Express.

Michael Smith: Isn't that the free version of SQL Server?

Jeremy Kadlec: Yes it is. I am going to cover the product highlights very quickly to show the value of SQL Server from the free version to the enterprise edition, meaning that SQL Server can really meet all of your database needs from the small applications to the enterprise, for the most demanding Cold Fusion applications.

Michael Smith: I know you said 10 topics. So what's after that?

Jeremy Kadlec: We are going to jump into some data modeling techniques because I think that is a key tenet that all Cold Fusion developers should know about. I will also touch on indexing and how to improve your application performance which is typically a major concern for the Cold Fusion developers because good database performance typically means a good experience on the web site.

Michael Smith: Agreed. Can you let anything else out of the bag?

Jeremy Kadlec: Well - One key issue I have seen time and time again is paging through large record sets on your web site. I will show you how SQL Server can handle this in an efficient manner via one of the new functions in SQL Server 2005.

Michael Smith: Since you are on a roll, what else can we look forward to during your session?

Jeremy Kadlec: Well, error handling has historically been a problem with SQL Server 2000. I am going to work through an example of how to standardize, simplify and centralized error handling in your SQL Server code.

Jeremy Kadlec: I have another 5 or so tricks up my sleeve for the session that should be of great value to all of the attendees. They just need to pencil me in their schedule to learn about these features and more during the session.

Michael Smith: I know your company focuses on SQL Server, what if CFUNITED attendees have more questions?

Jeremy Kadlec: They can stop me after the session and I am more than willing to answer any and all SQL Server questions. They can also stop over to our booth as well. If they are looking for valuable SQL Server information on a daily basis they can check out for our daily SQL Server newsletter.

Michael Smith: Well thank you for your time today Jeremy.

Jeremy Kadlec: Absolutely! I am really looking forward to CFUNITED. I have to admit I really enjoy the conference and think it is an awesome place to learn about ColdFusion and the related technologies that developers rely on daily.

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