CFUnited Blog

3 new BOF sessions

ColdBox Platform 3.0.0 BOF
Presented By Luis Majano
Come and talk about the future of ColdBox and help it steer it into the future.

ColdFusion User Group / Community Development BOF
Presented By John Mason
The success of any technology is tightly coupled with the growth and diversity of the community that grows around it. Local user groups are a great resource for developers to exchange ideas and work on their presentation skills. In this session, we'll discuss the various ways to start and develop a local user group in your area. How to find speakers, sponsors and topics? How to run the meetings, and how to market your group and find new members? We'll also talk about some of the common pitfalls in running a user group and how to manage them.
See John Mason's blog post about this BOF session

Silent Authentication BOF
Mike Brunt and John Farrar
Are your applications burdened with login prompts? Do you know of ways to eliminate this issue? Can these methods be used with legacy systems and Enterprise Content Management systems (ECMs)? This BOF is for those with the same questions, and it doesn't matter whether they come from yourself, your development team, or your management. It's important to know what options are available and what's successful so you can be prepared or retrofit your applications with "seamless" or "silent" authentication.

See schedule for Birds of Feather times on Wednesday August 12th.

Speaker Spotlight: Raymond Camden

Raymond Camden - A long time ColdFusion user, Raymond has worked on numerous ColdFusion books including the ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit and has contributed to the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update and the ColdFusion Developers Journal. He also presents at conferences and contributes to online webzines. He founded many community web sites including,, and is the author of open source applications, including the popular BlogCFC blogging application.

CFUnited sessions: Ajax/ColdFusion 911, Charting and ColdFusion, Introduction to jQuery with ColdFusion, SciFi BOF

1. Have you spoken at CFUnited in the past?

Yes, many times.

I'd tell people that CFUnited is a great conference for people of all skill levels. From beginners to advanced developers.

2. Why should people attend your session(s)?

I think I have some great sessions this year, and all of them are brand new!

3. Do you have any projects in the works that you will be revealing at CFUnited?

Nope. Sorry to disappoint. :)

4. Besides your topic, what other sessions are you looking forward to?

I'm curious to see what Adobe shows off in regards to ColdFusion 9.

5. What are some of the hot topics you'd like to see at RoundTable discussions?

I'd like to hear some discussion about frameworks. I'm kinda focused on Model-Glue, so I wouldn't mind hearing wha'ts up with the other frameworks.

6. Where can people find you at CFUnited?

Most likely all over the place. :)

7. What's the latest news with you? Has anything changed since last CFUnited?

I'm now an independent contractor, which is new, and not so great, but, change happens. :)

8. What do you like to do in your free time?

Video games and reading. Oh, and writing code for fun. :)

9. Which was the best Star Wars film?

Empire Strikes Back.

Do you have your CFUnited blog bling? We are picking May winner today!

We are giving away $200 at the end of each month to one lucky winner who has CFUnited Blog Bling on their blog/ website!

To enter the contest pick from the CFUnited Blog Bling, then fill out this form to submit your URL. At the end of each month between now and July 2009 we will pick a random winner from the URL's entered into the contest. Anyone can enter the contest and you can submit as many URL's as you like to enhance your chances of winning.

We are picking May's winner today after 6pm, so go get your CFUnited Blog Bling now!

How to Teach ColdFusion by Terry Ryan, Adobe

Come to CFUnited if you want to know the best way to Teach ColdFusion to others. Teachers, Training Managers, and Intern Managers... this is session you can't miss.

Lansdowne Resort 65% full

Just want to shoot a message to everyone that we have the number of rooms already booked as of last week. We are about 65% full at this point. If you plan on coming, book your hotel room before they go out. I'm not holding any extras this year so if you don't get a room you'll have to go to the overflow hotel about 3 miles down.

Concert at CFUnited

We booked a band for CFUnited: BoxCar Collision

Alumni from 2005 probably remember this band. They are still in DC and really popular around the clubs. We'll have this band playing for a couple hours during one of our evening open bar events. Be ready to party!

Formed in 2003, Boxcar Collision started when 4 friends started meeting weekly to jam. They were invited to play an open mic, and somewhere in-between the PJ Harvey and Gillian Welch covers, they realized they were a band.

Since then theyĆ½ve played Iota, The Velvet Lounge, DC9, and have written 15 original songs. Though not easily categorized, their sound has been compared to Rilo Kiley, The Pretenders, and The Smiths. Their debut CD was released in 2007.

Sample of their music:

More photos:

Liz's inside info: I hear they have a new album coming out around the time of CFUnited, maybe we'll be the first to hear some of their new stuff. ;-)

Saturday Repeats

Attention CFUnited Saturday Attendees

We will be picking the Saturday Topics Mid-June. We will be looking at the most popular sessions once more attendees pick their agenda for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday on the scheduler. This will help us determine the most popular topics to repeat on Saturday.

If you have a suggestion for a must have topic on Saturday as repeat, please email it to liz (at)

We will work with the community to pick those sessions. Thanks!

Speaker spotlight: Lawrence Cramer

Lawrence Cramer - Over 25 years of experience in marketing, advertising, and design. For the last decade he has focused on the web, his key interests being dynamic web design, development, and e-commerce. He has written numerous articles on these subjects for regional business publications and for the Adobe Developer Center. He speaks at web development conferences and teaches college courses on several Adobe products, and is a trainer for Lawrence is an Adobe Community Expert, the CEO of Application Dynamics Inc., and the founder of When he's not in front of a computer screen, you'll find him and his wife of 30-plus years behind the handlebars of a sport touring motorcycle seeing the sights of the Pacific Northwest.

CFUnited session: Real world ecommerce with ColdFusion

1. Have you spoken at CFUnited in the past?

No. I'm very excited to be speaking this year!

CFUnited is THE ColdFusion conference. It's the "must attend" best-of-breed conference because of the caliber of speakers and the no sales hype but real information focus of the event.

2. Why should people attend your session(s)?

Even in this down economy, one business sector is still experiencing growth... eCommerce. More and more developers are getting asked by their clients to develop eCommerce sites and they are finding it to be a more complex, specialized skill set than they expect. They are expected to not only develop sound eCommerce applications but know about many other things such as payment gateways, PCI compliance, security, merchant accounts and so on. My session will cover all these facets of eCommerce development.

3. Do you have any projects in the works that you will be revealing at CFUnited?

Yes. Can't say much more than that right now.

4. Besides your topic, what other sessions are you looking forward to?

I'll be like a kid in a candy store! Having difficulty narrowing down my choices so far!

5. What are some of the hot topics you'd like to see at RoundTable discussions?

Anything Bolt. (the new dedicated ColdFusion Development Application)

6. Where can people find you at CFUnited?

At my session, and on Twitter... I'll be tweeting a lot and will tweet meet-up plans:

7. What's the latest news with you? Has anything changed since last CFUnited?

A lot! The economy has presented not only challenges but huge opportunities! Whenever you shake things up, new openings emerge.

8. What is unique about CFUnited?

It's focus! It's an opportunity to learn, not be "sold". It an opportunity to learn about ColdFusion and related technologies and to meet and network with the best in the field.

9. What do you like to do in your free time?

Go sport touring around the west with my wife and friends on my 2008 Kawasaki Concourse 1400, and do a little wine tasting. I'm a bit of a wine buff and Washington has a lot of great wine!

10. Besides the sessions, what makes CFUnited worth the cost of going?

The networking! If you go DON'T be a wallflower! Get out there, meet and greet and make new friends and contacts.

Scheduler Announced

If you are registered, please fill out your personal schedule starting now.

Click on the "Register/Login" link on

Instructions on how to do this are at:

You must be registered to reserve seats.

See you in August!

Speaker spotlight: Sean Woods

Sean Woods - Has been developing Oracle applications for over ten years and has been integrating ColdFusion with Oracle since the first day he laid eyes on it in 2002. He has since then developed an obsession with ColdFusion and often lies awake at night wondering why anyone would want to develop their applications with anything else. In his spare time, Sean can be found chasing his two young daughters around the lovely seaside town of Pacifica, California.

CFUnited session: Advanced SQL for ColdFusion

1. Have you spoken at CFUnited in the past?

No, I've never spoken at or been to CFUnited but I am totally stoked to be attending and speaking this year. I've been to a lot of ColdFusion conferences and met a lot of great people. It?s an privilege to be speaking at this one and I hope that I can add some value to the experience of those attending.

2. Why should people attend your session(s)?

You should attend my session because I will give you the tools necessary to turn your knowledge of SQL into entertaining cocktail conversation. You will be the life of the party - people will be lining up to hear you wax on about the virtues of query parametrization, database transactions, indexing strategies and more. I used to entertain people this way all the time but for some reason nobody comes to my house anymore.

3. Besides your topic, what other sessions are you looking forward to?

Any session by Ray Camden, Sean Corfield or Ben Forta.

4. Where can people find you at CFUnited?

You will definitely find me at the bar. And, if you say nice things in public about my session I will buy you a beer.

5. What do you like to do in your free time?

I live in Pacifica, CA with my wife and two girls. Most of my free time is spent chasing my kids around but when I get a few hours to myself I usually spend it on my bike. During the summer weekends you can usually find me at a local bike race or triathlon ? I?ve been competing in both for about 10 years. I hope to one day convince my daughters that jumping in a cold lake at 8am is a good idea.

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