CFUnited Blog

Charlie Arehart: CFMX 6 and 7 - What did you miss?

In the first of our CFUnited 2007 previews, Charlie Arehart talks on CFMX 6 and 7 and the features that were released.

Planning to move to CF8? Did you skip either 6 or 7? Or have you perhaps installed and been running them but doing little to no new development? Were you paying attention as all the new features (and the folks' experiences using them) were being shared? There may be a lot you've missed. Veteran CFML developer Charlie Arehart will introduce both the key features introduced in these releases as well as many hidden gems. It's surprising how many little thins get slipped into releases, and point releases, and sometimes it's those which can be as important to you as any prominent feature. In his typical encyclopedic but pragmatic style, Charlie will help you make the most out of features you may have missed. Of course, this is just a 20-minute preview of what is in fact a day-long course. But it will give you a taste of what's to expect and will provide value in and of itself.

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Dave Watts - CFMX Server Configuration and Troubleshooting

Since CF became a Java application, many aspects of CF server configuration and troubleshooting have changed dramatically. This session will cover CFMX server configuration options, and will provide useful diagnostic processes for JVM configuration and tuning, and troubleshooting CFMX server stability problems.

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Michael Smith - Mindmapping for Better Programs

Do you want to write better programs? Maybe thinking about programming in a different way would help. Mindmapping is a way to visually work with ideas that was invented in 1970. Now used by millions of people worldwide, mindmapping uses both the left (logical) and right (visual) sides of the brain - so that we can more than double our productivity! Learn how to create effective mindmaps for requirements gathering, program architecture, project management and more. I will demo some mindmapping tools and given an interactive mindmapping exercise for attendees too. Don~'t miss it!

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Tom Link - Flex 2.0 Event Model

Understanding the Flex event model is critical to developing powerful Flex applications. Further, using the event model to build your own components and architect your application, while not required, is considered an important best practice for building scalable and maintainable applications. While developers experienced with other languages that utilize the DOM event model (e.g. Java and JavaScript) are usually familiar with concepts related to the event model, many ColdFusion developers struggle with this important concept. This session will discuss the event model, why it is important, how it is implemented in Flex's core architecture, and how custom components and application architecture can utilize events to foster scalable and maintainable Flex applications. This session will also discuss a related conceptual hurdle for web programmers the asynchronous nature of Flex applications. We'll discuss how this relates to both the event model and integration with backend systems like ColdFusion.

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Sean Corfield - Objects and Persistence

With tools springing up like weeds in the object / persistence space, it's hard to keep track of the options available to us! This talk will look at a variety of libraries, tools and techniques for assisting developers solve the persistence problem. The talk will also examine the term "Object Relational Mapping" (ORM) and look at conflicts between object model design and relational table design.

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Vince Bonfanti - The Road Ahead for CFML and for .NET: Cool Tricks Today and Tomorrow

What's in store as you move your CFML to .NET? What amazing possibilities are enabled, both now and into the future as CFML, BlueDragon, .NET, and related Windows components all continue to evolve? In this session, we look at the road ahead and give some insights (and demonstrations) of just some of the many possibilities enabled by the marriage of CFML and .NET. Starting with some cool things you can do today to solve important problems, we'll then move to a sneak peak at some even cooler things coming down the road with .NET and related components including as much on Vista, Atlas, Windows Presentation Foundation, Avalon, Indigo, XMAP, and other new technologies as time and timing will allow.

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Michael Dinowitz - Advanced RegEx

The session is an examination of advanced techniques when using Regular Expressions in ColdFusion. Regular Expressions are the most powerful ways to find (and replace) text data. This topic covers the advanced techniques and deals heavily in usable examples of the technology in action.

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Lori Pacheco - BlueDragon: Editions and Advantages

With all the talk today about BlueDragon.NET, it's easy to think that that's all that BlueDragon is about. There are in fact other editions of BlueDragon, including a standalone server (more familiar in concept to traditional ColdFusion server) and an edition that deploys CFML on any J2EE server in just 3 steps. Beyond the different editions, there are also many advantages to using BlueDragon, and it's about a lot more than just some new tags and functions. Come learn the many advantages that simply make existing CFML run better, make managing the CFML engine easier, and make troubleshooting CFML coding errors a breeze.

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Nate Nelson - CFMX7 Admin API in Depth

Many developers are interested in the CF Admin API that is available for CFMX7, but many also find that it is difficult to follow because there is so much there. This topic will get into some great uses of the API and go through the main pieces to help developers understand it. This topic would include many examples with take home code.

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Josh Adams - Benefits of Integrating CFML with ASP.NET

If your organization is contemplating (or has already started) to move to .NET, or when you see the many advantages in ASP.NET and the .NET Framework, you may desire to better integrate your CFML with the ASP.NET pages and components that your .NET developers are creating. With BlueDragon.NET, the doors to integration are wide open. Come learn how CFML and ASP.NET can share session, application, and request variables, how CFML and ASP.NET pages can include/forward between each other, and more. A CFML page can call a .NET component, and an ASP.NET page can invoke a CFC--both without web services, with components of both types returning native objects that the other page will understand. All this and more will be demonstrated, with plenty of code examples.

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