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ThinkGeek: we will also raffle off prizes from ThinkGeek
CFUnited Tips
What you can do to improve your career and what's the next step?
CFUnited Tip #1: Subscribe to our blog
We like to post news related to Adobe, ColdFusion, Flex, AIR, and other community information. If you have something you'd like to share with the community we can post it on our blog. Plus we giveaway free stuff all the time. We announce news about events, topics, and speakers every week.
CFUnited Tip #2: Look at the tracks and ask yourself what direction should your career be going.
If there are at least 15 topics you should be learning, you have an obligation to yourself to stay ahead. CFUnited Tracks
CFUnited Tip #3: Make money from what you'll learn
Attending the event can pay for itself. We are positive that the skills you obtain at CFUnited can be used the next day. You can let your clients know you'll be offering new enhancements to improve their websites soon.
CFUnited Tip #4: Follow us and our speakers on twitter.
Twitter has been effective to some. We recommend it so when you attend CFUnited you can use it as a tool to connect with others. http://twitter.com/cfunited/
CFUnited Tip #5: Prepare ahead.
If you plan on attending, make sure you have a plan of action. Arrive at Dulles if by plane, take the FREE shuttle to the hotel. Make sure you book a room early, we will sell out months before the main event. http://cfunited.com/go/travel/
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