CFUnited Blog

Saturday Repeats announced!

Hi CFUnited Saturday Go-ers!

Please feel free now to select your Saturday (6/21/2008) Repeat sessions. We are still confirming that the speakers will all be there on Saturday and we are looking to add more sessions to the repeat schedule.

Also it is important that all registered attendees fill out their scheduler. This helps us select rooms for each session.

See selected repeats here:

CFUnited Interview: Luis Majano - ColdBox Framework 101

Luis Majano talks about his CFUnited presentation on ColdBox Framework 101.

1. Is this your first time speaking at CFUnited?

Luis: Yes, this will be my first time attending and first time speaking at CFUnited.

2. Why should people attend your session?

Luis: ColdBox Framework is a new generation ColdFusion Framework & Toolkit that will help you develop your applications faster than ever. Learn how ColdBox is more than a Framework and how it can help drive you or your company into creating stable and more agile applications. With software features like: ioc integration, rss reader and generators, robust and configurable caching engine, unit testing integrations, application generation, bug reporting, AOP error logging, logging facilities, UI plugins, query helpers, view helpers, security modules, SES pretty URL support, java and CF utilities, and so much more.

ColdBox is also an event-driven remote framework that can help you create a solid backend or set of services for your Ajax/Flex and Air applications. The Framework morphs into a remote framework, no more MVC land. It can even help you create multiple interfaces for your same application. Apply the same set of conventions, methodologies and best practices to all kinds of GUI's.

3. Will people see anything new at your session?

Luis: They will see a first hand look of all the new features of the up and coming version 2.6.0, or they might even get to see and take the latest version home.

4. What is the highlight of your session?

Luis: The highlight of my session is to demystify the usage of a conventions based framework and how ColdBox is more than just an MVC framework, but also a toolkit and a remote driven framework. It will show ColdFusion developers how easy it is to build applications using a conventions based framework and how agile their applications can become by applying all the OO principles you will learn with ColdBox.

CFUnited Interview: Sean Corfield - Event-Driven Programming in ColdFusion

Sean Corfield talks about his CFUnited presentation on Event-Driven Programming in ColdFusion.

1. Is this your first time speaking at CFUnited?

Sean: No, I think I've spoken at CFUNITED every year since 2004.

2. Why should people attend your session?

Sean: There is a lot of interest in Flex but some of the idioms used are alien to a lot of CF developers, especially in the area of event handling. What I want to show in my session is that there are ways that CFers can start to get used to an event handling model in a familiar context and even leverage event-driven programming directly in their CFML code so that they can learn Flex more easily.

3. Will people see anything new at your session?

Sean: Yes, I think they'll look at today's application framework's in a new light - and I'll be showing a little of a new framework that I've developed which allows CFML applications to be built in an event- driven style.

4. What is the highlight of your session?

Sean: I think that I can make Flex seem less alien and more approachable through increased use of event-driven programming in CFML.

5. You mentioned a new framework - can you tell us more about that?

Sean: The framework is called Edmund and I started work on it in October 2007 but I haven't talked about it much in public. I'm using it for one of my client's projects since they have a number of complex workflows triggered by changes in state for various entities. Rather than hardwire each workflow, knowing they would need to make changes, it was easier to add things to Edmund to support their needs. Edmund is designed to work alongside the other application frameworks, not replace any of them, and that project is built with Mach-II, ColdSpring and Transfer as well as Edmund. I expect I'll be using it at Broadchoice as well at some point.

CF Meetup: Introducing sebForm, with Steve Bryant

CF Meetup: Introducing sebForm, with Steve Bryant

Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 12:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Organized by Charlie Arehart

Description: The cf_sebForm custom tag simplifies development of simple forms. It separates logic and display, integrates with CFCs, and manages validation. The output is unobtrusive and skinnable.

In this short presentation you will see how to use cf_sebForm to create a simple contact forms, integrate with CFCs, manage validations (both type and business logic), upload files, and reduce spam.

To learn more visit:

Top 10 reasons to attend CFUnited

Top 10 reasons to attend CFUnited

1. Get the Experience:
Those of you who have attended in the past, you know what we're talking about! For those of you who haven't, just imagine a week surrounded by a community of hundreds of individuals who live and breathe ColdFusion... it's pretty exciting.

2. Training:
Take advantage of up to six full days of ColdFusion technical training from the experts. Many companies spend up to $1000 for a full day of classes.

3. For anyone who's into CF:
Wheather you are a beginner, intermediate, expert or guru in ColdFusion, you will find the sessions, materials & experience valuable to your training. There are tracks geared toward different levels and aspects of training. See a list of Tracks here:

4. Gurus & Experts:
Meet & network with some of the most influential guru's & speakers of the ColdFusion community. You've read their blogs and read their books, this is your opportunity to grill them with questions face to face.

5. Networking opportunity:
There will be many networking opportunities for you to mingle with developers and peers. Get to know each other and share interests during two evening events and other breaks between sessions. Don't forget the largest ColdFusion expo around. With over 20 exhibitors showing off their expert tools and services to aid developers like you. Our sponsors can't wait to me you!

6. CF Community:
Once you have experienced CFUnited you will be a part of a community unlike any other.

7. Materials:
Receive a CFUnited backpack, official CFUnited 08 t shirt, notebook, online presentations & code samples, and many other goodies.

8. Free stuff:
Once you register, your automatically entered into a raffle to win one of many cool prizes from our sponsors like ThinkGeek and Adobe Press. Prizes include different types of software, game consoles, apparel, and other goodies. There are also giveaways at various sponsor booths.

9. Discounts:
There is a wide range of discounts available. Some of the discount categories include Alumni, User group member, Student, Government, and many more. To request a discount on your registration just email [email protected]

10. It's our 10th anniversary!
Join us in celebrating 10 years of CFUnited, the premier ColdFusion conference. Whether it's your first time at the conference or tenth, we would love to see you there. This years conference will be at the DC Convention Center, in the heart of Washington DC. There will be lots to celebrate about, you won't want to miss it!

New Speaker Mike Nimer - FMS Server Side Development with ColdFusion

Annoucing Mike Nimer's new topic added today in the Intergrating Technologies Track. His topic "FMS Server Side Development with ColdFusion" is occuring Thursday at 8:15am

Here what else Nimer has to say about speaking this year.

Question: Is this your first time speaking at CFUnited?

Nimer: No, I've spoken at CFUnited for the last few years.

Question: Why should people attend your session?

Nimer: Video is becoming a large part of the internet experience. And you can no longer do a simple video player, richer websites require more control and logging of the video experience. And ColdFusion 8 is the only server side language that is able to link into FMS and do some of these server side tasks.

Question: Will people see anything new at your session?

Nimer: I am talking about and showing in detail the new Event Gateway in CF8.

Question: What is the highlight of your session?

Nimer: Showing off another technology that only CF can do.

Grand Hyatt rooms left

We've added some more rooms to the Grand Hyatt. Here is what is left.

Rooms per night:

6/14 - 9
6/15 - 9
6/16 - 22
6/17 - 31
6/18 - 24
6/19 - 26
6/20 - 5
6/21 - 13

Single Occupancy: $ 229
Double Occupancy: $ 254
Triple Occupancy: $ 279
Quadruple Occupancy: $ 304
Grand Club: $60 additional per room/per nt.

Use this URL to reserve your hotel accommodations.

CF Meetup: Unit Testing w/MXUnit - Part 2: In Action or In The Weeds, with Bill Shelton

CF Meetup: Unit Testing w/MXUnit - Part 2: In Action or In The Weeds, with Bill Shelton

Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Organized by Charlie Arehart

Description: In the second part of the series we'll continue by reviewing the installation for MXUnit and basic unit testing. We'll then delve into more detail by presenting more complex examples and some advanced concepts. We will show you how to automate your development tasks, increase efficiency, and develop a higher level of quality in your code.

This will include automation: using MXUnit Ant task to run tests, using Ant to deploy your code, and concepts of continuous integration. We'll further show you how you can extend MXUnit to easily add your own custom assertions or alter the existing ones without altering the MXUnit framework code.

Time permitting we'll discuss some of the hard questions related to unit testing in general, not just in the ColdFusion world: how to test private methods, how to handle external resources like databases, and what Mock objects, fixtures, and scaffolding are and how they might be used.

To learn more visit:

Video Interview of Vince Bonfanti: Open source of Blue Dragon

Paul Vernon from Fusion Authority interviews Vince Bonfanti (New Atlanta) at CFUnited Europe. Vince talks about the open source of Blue Dragon.

Full day Hands-on class on Model-Glue

CU231 - Doug Hughes - Introduction to Model-Glue

Price: $449.00
Location: DC Convention Center
Class begins at 9:00am
Class ends at 5:00pm
CFUnited Pre-Conference Class
Register for the Jun 16, 2008 class.

Class Description:

Model-Glue is a fantastic framework for creating robust and maintainable applications using the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. Unfortunately, it can be quite challenging for a programmer to learn how to be productive with such a framework without prior experience.

Luckily, Doug Hughes, a member of Team Model-Glue has been working with Model-Glue since version 0.4 and has advised and assisted with the development of the framework.

This class will cover a range of topics including:

Foundational concepts including a comparison of traditional development techniques to techniques employed with Model-Glue.

An Introduction to the Model-Glue framework. We'll learn how to configure the framework and about the structure of a standard Model-Glue application.

From there we'll dive in head first and learn the details of event handlers, controllers, and other important details.

- Towards the end of the class we'll cover some important details regarding Service Oriented Architecture using ColdSpring and advanced Model-Glue features.

You should take this class if:

... you want to learn how to build more robust applications which are easier to maintain.

... you want to build more easily maintainable applications.

... you want to lower the total cost of ownership of your applications.

... you want to use a system which helps to facilitate team development.

... you want to build applications using Object Oriented techniques.

... you want to learn about some common design patterns.

... you've started down the road with Model-Glue and could use a hand getting up to speed.

... you want to learn an extremely valuable job skill. Many companies are looking for developers who know how to work with Model-Glue and they pay a premium for this experience.

To succeed with this class you need to have experience working with CFCs. In particular, you should understand the basic syntax of CFCs. Knowledge of best practices with CFCs would be helpful as there will be no review of this in the class.

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