CFUnited Blog

CFUnited Blog Bling Contest

We want everyone out there to help us spread the word about CFUnited 2009! I'm asking all of you to post CFUnited blog bling on all your sites and in return you will be entered into a drawing to win MONEY!

Yup that's right, no prizes.. no discounts.. but cold hard cash.

Just fill out the form, and submit a valid URL. At the end of each month between January - July 2009 we will randomly pick a winner from the submitted URL's with CFUnited Blog Bling and the winner will receive $200!

Winners will be announced on the CFUnited Blog at the end of each month.

The earlier you post CFUnited blog bling the more chances you have to win. So what are you waiting for go pick out your CFUnited Blog Bling

Submit your URL here

CFUnited Podcast: Doug Hughes

We are excited to announce that CFUnited will be working with Brian Meloche & CFConversations to bring a series of podcasts with CFUnited speakers and topics.

Check out the first episode where Dan Wilson interviews Doug Hughes, visit CFConversations to listen in.

Stay tuned for more podcasts in the upcoming months!

CFUnited New Sponsors

We are so excited to announce our newest sponsors.

Platinum Sponsor

Adobe Systems Inc.

Silver Sponsors




On3 Solutions

Savvy Software

Groovy Speakers

New Topics:

Joe Rinehart is now speaking on "Groovin' to the Fusion: Flex Edition"


Barney Boisvert is going to speaking "CFGroovy - Groovy for the CFML Developer"


Joe Rinehart will be giving the Day 2 Keynote at CFUnited.

We love the Rineharts

A couple of weeks ago Joe Rinehart shared some difficult news with us. You can read more on Joe's Blog.

What got me is how the community came together to help out a friend. I got choked up when Scott Stroz contacted a bunch of my "speaker buddies" to contribute our time to put together something for Dale Rinehart and help them get through this difficult time.

Joe is such a great guy and we've been conference buddies for a while, plus I adore his little family.

So I hope everyone goes and helps donate to this fund.

I have another story for you...

When we were at MAX, I told Joe he should be a keynote presenter at CFUnited! He was a little surprised but open to the idea. I contacted him about a week ago to chat and he said he had a good idea for the keynote. I was so excited when he explained that he'd do something about how people can get inspired to become better at their jobs by spending time away from their day-to-day work. He intends to interview members of the development community and tell their stories, showing how activity away from your everyday job can in fact *improve* your productivity and satisfaction with your work.

I think that's going to be an awesome a Keynote, Joe.

Profile Picture, Baby!

Someone recently tried out the new profile picture feature on the Edit Registration page, uploading a 2MB photo of a baby, only to get an error page after clicking save. Doh!

This seems to be particularly noticeable on large files. If you attempt to delete the source image immediately after the resize you'll get an error message like:

ColdFusion could not delete the file D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Sites\cfunited-register\public\uploads\3aa33aec20c440-CBCB50D9-15C5-E0D8-8AA0B3D9C8746D18-39825.JPG for an unknown reason.

The CF 8.0.1 Hot Fix solves this problem. (Thanks Jeff Coughlin)

Anyway, I'm not sure which attendee this profile picture belongs to, but the baby sure is cute.

(PS. BlogCFC ate the previous post, as in it vanished after I hit "Save", so sorry about comment removal and a repost!)

Uploaded Baby Photo

Continental Airlines Discount for attendees

We will update this on the Travel Page as well.

Continental Airlines Attendee Discount

Book at and enter your Offer Code: ZFJJC6DTQF

If booking through a travel professional or Continental MeetingWorks at 800-468-7022, Please give them the following information

Z Code: ZFJJ

Agreement Code: C6DTQF

For One-Way Published Fares - Excluding Tax

Discount is 2% off for fares less than $399

Discount is 5% off for fares between $399 - $749

Discount is 15% off for fares $750 and above

Two topics canceled - Two new topics announced

CANCEL - Todd Sanders "Integrating ColdFusion and Adobe Livecycle ES Technologies"

CANCEL - Raymond Camden "ColdFusion, Model-Glue, HIbernate, Spring, and Groovy"

NEW - Adam Haskell "Red Green Refactor"

NEW - Todd Sharp "Better Development Through Open Source"

CFUnited Website redesign sneak peeker

One randomly selected person from CFUnited's twitter followers on Monday at 5pm will be chosen to get a sneak peek of the conference website redesign. It sets the tone for this year's event and well I can't say too much but we figured we tease everyone for our enjoyment.

Nafisa says she's done with the prototype phase and Elliott is working on the development stages.

Missed Early Bird?

The First early bird ended Dec 31st at midnight.

You might have been thinking that the price was so perfectly low but you weren't ready.

So maybe if you contact me we can work out a deal to get you that rate.

Some ideas:

Volunteer to do some code

Help promote the conference

Donate your time to fold/ stuff mailers

Help find sponsors

I'm leaving this opportunity open for about a week. So contact me soon and I'll see what we can do. Thanks for the early support!

liz (at) cfunited (dot) com

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