After the successful State of the CF Union survey, we wanted to find out more details about the state of CF hosting in 2010. Help us find out what ColdFusion hosting issues people have with this survey . We will share the summary results with everyone so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers. Additionally, everyone who completes the survey will get a copy of a 25-page report on Advanced Application and Server Troubleshooting Techniques by hosting expert Edgeweb CEO, Vlad Friedman. Thanks for your time completing this survey!
Plus we will raffle off one ticket to CFUnited (a $1049 value), two 8 Gb iPod Touches and one copy of Fusion Reactor picked at random from everyone who completes the survey. You have four chances to win something awesome!

The raffle closes on Friday April 30th. We will announce the winners and final results the following week.