CFUnited Blog

CFUnited Europe Early Bird ends Jan 10

Last chance to take advantage of the special price of $849.00 USD (approximately 429.51 GBP, 577.49 EUR)

Register for CFUnited Europe by Jan 10th 2008 and save $100 off the base registration rate. Also as a group discount, register 3 for the price of 2, for more details contact [email protected]

When you register by Jan 10th you are also automatically entered into a raffle to win one of two 8gb iPod touch!

Discover the latest techniques in ColdFusion and Flex at CFUnited Europe conference. Network with industry leaders, speakers and others in CF and FX community. For more information on topics and speakers visit

CFUnited Europe
March 12- 13, 2008
Novotel London West

CFUnited Podcast: Sandy Clark - CSS Back to Basics

CFUnited Podcast: Sandy Clark - CSS: Back to Basics

Hosted by Christian Ready

With more people jumping on the CSS bandwagon and with Internet Explorer 7 finally released, its always good to review the basics. This session will cover semantic and structural HTML with an eye toward how to use the DOM to create simple HTML and put the complexity of selectors into the Cascading Style Sheet. It will cover all selectors that are now available in all browsers and how to use them effectively.

Podcast link:

NYCFUG has new management

Clark Valberg and Ben Nadel will be running the new and improved NYCFUG.

I'm sure NYC is looking forward to great things from these new co-managers. Clark and Ben, Good luck in 2008!

See the full announcement here:

New CFUnited Newsletter - Gets a makeover

I'm sure everyone's received at least one of TeraTech's newsletters at some point. Ok, maybe a few more than one...

The biggest suggestions to improve were:

- Make the e newsletter HTML, better to look at than just text

- Add more useful content

- Less is more

We've taken these suggestions and modified our newsletters starting in 2008. You probably just received our newest version via email (Thursday 1/03/08), "Why Should You Attend CFUnited?"

If you didn't receive the email (because it some how got caught in your spam filter), feel free to view it at

We will continue to send CFUnited Newsletters only ONCE a week, usually on Wednesdays. Nafisa is the new manager of the newsletter and is taking charge of the content. She's calling out to writers, bloggers, interviewers, and anyone else willing to allow us to repost their message to the public. Not only do we want to bring useful content, but we want to keep everyone up-to-date of conference dates, changes, and big news.

So if you removed yourself from our newsletter in the past, Nafisa promises you'll be pleased from now on.

If you would like to add yourself to receive the newsletter, please go to

If you are interested in writing for the newsletter or would like to have selected blog entries reposted, send an email to nafisa (at)

Here are some resources we pull our content from:
Christian Ready's Podcast
Charlie Arehart's CFMeetup
House of Fusion
TeraTech's Blog
Community MX
Speaker Blogs
Attendee Reviews
CFUnited Blog
Sponsor news
CFUnited Speaker Interviews

CFUnited Podcast: John Paul Ashenfelter - Testing CF Applications

CFUnited Podcast: John Paul Ashenfelter - Testing CF Applications

Hosted by Christian Ready

Test-driven development is very popular in the Java and Ruby worlds and becoming moreso in the ColdFusion world. This session covers the tools that are available to test ColdFusion applications and discusses how to implement them into your existing workflow. We'll specifically cover:

* CFCUnit/CFUnit for testing ColdFusion code

* Selenium for testing web pages

* DBUnit for managing the database during testing

* Grinder (and similar) load-testing tools

Together, these tools can provide unit, functional, regression, and load tests for your applications. Finally, we'll touch on automating these tests so you can ensure that you are delivering higher-quality, well-tested code.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Pre-conference Classes suggestions

I am taking suggestions for CFUnited Pre-conference classes now until January 15th.

We plan to have 8 full day classes. 4 classes listed each day. 9am-5pm. Lunch included. Students must provide own laptops or rent them. Unless we find a sponsor for providing equipment.

If you have an idea for a class, add comment to this blog post or email liz(at)

Joe Rinehart and Simon Horwith will be scheduled to give a class on Flex for ColdFusion Developers. New title coming soon. Not sure if it will be on Day 1 or Day 2 of pre-conference classes. Seating will be limited to 30 only. Registration will be posted in a couple weeks.

Thanks for submitting ideas.

CFUnited has a public Google Calendar

Ever wonder what's happening next for CFUnited? Would you like to plan your schedule out better?

Add "CFUnited Calendar" to your google calendar. You will receive the same information our staff receives about early birds, surveys, contests, interviews, sponsor offers, product dates and information, partnering events, etc.

CFUnited Early Bird ends Jan 05

Only a few more days to take advantage of special Early Bird prices.

Register for CFUnited by Jan 05th 2008 and save $200 off the base registration rate.

4 day conference package ($899.00)

* Attendance for 4 days (6/25/2008-6/28/2008) * Keynote and General Sessions * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday * Entrance to Expo Area * Networking Events * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included) * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the recordings. * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, etc. * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

3 day conference package ($799.00)

* Attendance for 3 days (6/25/2008-6/27/2008) * Keynote and General Sessions * All conference sessions * Entrance to Expo Area * Networking Events * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included) * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the recordings. * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, etc. * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

Saturday Only conference package ($249.00)

* Attendance for 1 day (6/28/2008) * Saturday Keynote and General Sessions * All Saturday conference sessions, including repeat sessions * Entrance to Expo Area * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code * Free Lunch (Dinner is not included) * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the recordings. * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, etc. * Opportunity to participate in Saturday raffle drawings

Register for CFUnited Europe by Jan 10th 2008 and save $100 off the base registration rate. Also as a group discount, register 3 for the price of 2, for more details contact [email protected]

When you register for either conference by the above dates you are also automatically entered into a raffle to win one of two 8gb iPod touch!

CFUnited Podcast: Peter Bell - CFUnited Europe Preview

This week we begin the first of our preview interviews with speakers at CFUnited Europe. Our first guest is Peter Bell.

Peter Bell is a passionate advocate of Application Generation and meta-programming in ColdFusion and is author of Application Generation, blog dedicated to best practices in application development and how to get our projects done quicker and easier. He has lectured both locally and nationally on using ColdFusion for application generation and to create software product lines and runs Systems Forge a company that generates custom applications quickly and cost effectively.

Peter discusses his upcoming talks at CFUnited Europe, Prectical Code Generation, RAD OO, and Using The Iterating Business Object.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Europe will be held March 12-13 2008 at the Novotel London West, UK. Learn more at We want to hear from you!

If you have any feedback on the podcast, please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] or [email protected].

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Ben Forta

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Ben Forta

Hosted by Christian Ready


At CFUnited 2007, I spoke with some of the speakers and attendees alike to talk about how they were enjoying the conference, what they found exciting in ColdFusion 8, and what they got out of CFUnited.

In this interview, I sit down with Ben Forta from Adobe Systems on Wednesday morning just after his keynote address. Ben talks about the then-upcoming release of ColdFusion 8, its impact on the community, and the future of ColdFusion.

Podcast link:

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