I'm sure everyone's received at least one of TeraTech's newsletters at some point. Ok, maybe a few more than one...

The biggest suggestions to improve were:

- Make the e newsletter HTML, better to look at than just text

- Add more useful content

- Less is more

We've taken these suggestions and modified our newsletters starting in 2008. You probably just received our newest version via email (Thursday 1/03/08), "Why Should You Attend CFUnited?"

If you didn't receive the email (because it some how got caught in your spam filter), feel free to view it at http://cfunited.com/cfunitednewsletter/cfunitednewsletter.html

We will continue to send CFUnited Newsletters only ONCE a week, usually on Wednesdays. Nafisa is the new manager of the newsletter and is taking charge of the content. She's calling out to writers, bloggers, interviewers, and anyone else willing to allow us to repost their message to the public. Not only do we want to bring useful content, but we want to keep everyone up-to-date of conference dates, changes, and big news.

So if you removed yourself from our newsletter in the past, Nafisa promises you'll be pleased from now on.

If you would like to add yourself to receive the newsletter, please go to http://cfunited.com/go/newslettersignup

If you are interested in writing for the newsletter or would like to have selected blog entries reposted, send an email to nafisa (at)teratech.com

Here are some resources we pull our content from:
Christian Ready's Podcast
Charlie Arehart's CFMeetup
House of Fusion
TeraTech's Blog
Community MX
Speaker Blogs
Attendee Reviews
CFUnited Blog
Sponsor news
CFUnited Speaker Interviews