We received this comment from an attendee recently who offered to let us share the comment on our blog:
"Greetings, Perhaps this is selfish on my part or skewed on my particular skill level and training desires, but it seems that every class on the schedule for Thursday 8:15-9:15 is something that I would love to attend (especially now with Ray's Fan Favorite announced.). Because I can only pick one on the scheduler and I know you are/were looking at classes signed up for to assign the Saturday spots (assuming they haven't all already been assigned), I just wanted to throw in my cent and a half that they would all be great spots on the Saturday schedule.- I'm hoping other people feel the same and maybe some of them will find their way on the Saturday schedule before the conference begins. Regardless, I know I'll be checking out the presentations for afterwards when they are available online. I'm very much looking forward to the conference, last year's was great! Thanks, Curtis
After some thought, we decide - Sure!! we can add some of those topics to the Saturday schedule.
Saturday additions:
Joe Gautreau "The Power of CSS - CSS Layouts vs. Tabled Layouts" is from 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Kurt Wiersma "Leveraging Popular ColdFusion Frameworks To Make Better Applications" is from 9:45AM - 10:45AM
John Farrar "jQuery/CF Integration" is from 1:30PM - 2:30PM
Hal Helms and Clark Valberg "Prototyping for Smarties" is from 1:30PM - 2:30PM
John Paul Ashenfelter "Testing CF Applications" is from 1:30PM - 2:30PM