Raymond Camden did a contest to see what his fans would like to see as a new topic as CFUnited. Last week Ray revealed that Hal Helms and Clark Valberg will be speaking on "Prototyping for Smarties".
Presentation begins 8:15am on Thursday
Description: Quick! You are been put in charge of a mission-critical project by a particularly sadistic genie (aka "your boss") who will hold you solely responsible for the project's success. Of course, you will still be expected to perform your other responsibilities as well. You've seen other, similar projects fail. Now it's your turn at the dock.
What single action on your part will do the most to ensure a successful project? In this session, Hal Helms and Clark Valberg explain and explore prototyping as the key to project success. We know that when projects go awry, they very often do so because of a mismatch between what users want and what we build. Why the mismatch? Because users can't tell us what they want until they see it.
Drawing on their experience with both successful and failed projects, Hal and Clark offer the lessons they've learned about the right and wrong ways to prototype.