CFUnited Blog

CFUnited Podcast: John Paul Ashenfelter - Testing CF Applications

CFUnited Podcast: John Paul Ashenfelter - Testing CF Applications

Hosted by Christian Ready

Test-driven development is very popular in the Java and Ruby worlds and becoming moreso in the ColdFusion world. This session covers the tools that are available to test ColdFusion applications and discusses how to implement them into your existing workflow. We'll specifically cover:

* CFCUnit/CFUnit for testing ColdFusion code

* Selenium for testing web pages

* DBUnit for managing the database during testing

* Grinder (and similar) load-testing tools

Together, these tools can provide unit, functional, regression, and load tests for your applications. Finally, we'll touch on automating these tests so you can ensure that you are delivering higher-quality, well-tested code.

Podcast link:

CFUnited Pre-conference Classes suggestions

I am taking suggestions for CFUnited Pre-conference classes now until January 15th.

We plan to have 8 full day classes. 4 classes listed each day. 9am-5pm. Lunch included. Students must provide own laptops or rent them. Unless we find a sponsor for providing equipment.

If you have an idea for a class, add comment to this blog post or email liz(at)

Joe Rinehart and Simon Horwith will be scheduled to give a class on Flex for ColdFusion Developers. New title coming soon. Not sure if it will be on Day 1 or Day 2 of pre-conference classes. Seating will be limited to 30 only. Registration will be posted in a couple weeks.

Thanks for submitting ideas.

CFUnited has a public Google Calendar

Ever wonder what's happening next for CFUnited? Would you like to plan your schedule out better?

Add "CFUnited Calendar" to your google calendar. You will receive the same information our staff receives about early birds, surveys, contests, interviews, sponsor offers, product dates and information, partnering events, etc.