CFUnited Blog

Slidesix demo of Why Should You Attend CFUnited

Todd Sharp put together this really cool slide show of CFUnited. It also demonstrates what you can do with

Our speakers this year will be asked to put their presentation here and we will give a password for attendees to get access. Then at a future time we will make some of them available to the public.

View Slide show here and show it at your next User Group meeting or get together at a cubicle near you. :-)

Sponsor Spaces - going once going twice

We only have 4 Silver Booths left.

We have maybe one Gold Level booth left.

We have maybe 1 Start up Level booth left.

If we run out of those booths, we may open up space farther from the main Breakout Session areas.

Sponsors are in the grand hallway this year just outside the general session and breakouts.

Secondary exhibit hall is just across from the main snack bar near the smaller break out rooms

Layout of space:

How was Denver Express?

Someone asked me on twitter how was Denver Express? (@chrishough)

I went to Denver with only a few expectations, to meet cool new people and too put on a great event. I'd say I accomplished both of those. The people in Denver are great. So nice and really easy going. Everyone showed up to the conference with a positive attitude and ready to learn. They asked great questions and really appreciated all the work involved. We had about 20 people attend, which is a good size for something like this. I met a few guys who said that this was their first time ever going to an event for CF ever. They were just really appreciative to meet other local developers and talk code.

I gave so much stuff away, seriously. From software to ThinkGeek toys, it was a good time for all. Someone even won the Annoy-a-Tron (which is a prize in every UG package and Express event), and couldn't resist testing it out. lol It really is annoying!

I've posted 4 out of the 6 presentations on the topics page.

Rob Rusher was first with AIR development. Comments were "Good knowledge of info", "Very good info for getting started with AIR", and "I learned a couple of things. That is always good."

Mike Brunt was filling in for Patrick Quinn on Wholesum Performance. Comments were "Mike has a Killer Accent :-)", "Depth of knowledge", "Provided good tricks and tips about most common performance issues" and "lots of great info Wow!"

Nate Nelson talked about DB tips. Comments were "Professional and Knowledgeable", "Tons of great info", and "Detailed examples, relevant to my specific needs."

Mike Brunt talked about JVM. Comments were "Its good to know these techniques are available.", "Like the demo, Interesting overview", "Great in depth info on tuning the JVM and I'm really scared of the JVM - now I feel enabled to tune it!"

RJ Owen talked on Component LifeCycle in Flex 3. Comments were "Great info on how Flex 3 works informally", "Instructor's knowledge", "In depth and informative on an important topic that not many people seem to know a lot about"

Kevin Hoyt talked on CF/LCDS. Comments were "Kevin always makes it look easy", "Easy to follow", and "Overwhelmed!! Excellent".

Comments about the event itself: Wish we had longer sessions. More time for Q&A. More hands on. It was a solid one day. I got some good info. Good advanced content. This was great!! Thank you!! Come back to Denver.

Reminder: CFUnited Express Atlanta

We can't wait for Express Atlanta next week!

I'm excited to see Raymond Camden, John Mason, Charlie Arehart, Andre Powell, and Douglas Knudsen. Wow, What a line of speakers!

See a list of their topics here:

I'm giving a way a free copy of Flex, ColdFusion and a free ticket to CFUnited! Plus some gifts from ThinkGeek.

Register now! Only $149 until this friday (early bird was extended)

Registered CFUnited Attendees fill in Twitter user name

We've added a field on the "Edit your Profile" page.

Log in and go to the bottom of the form and enter your Twitter Username. We have some exciting apps in the works for CFUnited attendees. ;-)

*Also, feel free to edit other useful information like what version of CF you current develop in, meal preferences, etc.

CFUnited Express Early Bird Price Extended

Hi Folks, for all the Express events we've extended the Early Bird Price of $149.

Register for Denver 4/6, Atlanta 4/15, or New York 4/20 by April 10th to receive the discount.

Jeremy Kadlec on CFUnited video

Check out what Jacob Camden learned at CFUNITED...

Denver Express Parking

Hello Denver folks, just an FYI that we got discounted parking at $7 at the Denver Athletic Club. The session will take place in the Petroleum Room.

I will be there as early as 8am setting up. Rob Rusher will be the first speaker at 9am, so please arrive early.

After the event is over I will be hanging out at the nearby Crowne Plaza in the hotel bar. Suggests for an out-of-towner would be great!

Denver Express

April 6th

$149 price expires today (3/31/09)

Simon Free and Ben Nadel on CFUnited Video

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