CFUnited Blog

Brian Rinaldi speaking at CFUnited USA

We are sorry to hear that Rob Gonda will not be able to make it to CFUnited 2008. In his place, Brian Rinaldi will be presenting on "Wrinting an RIA? Secure your data!" For more details about this topic, go to

Brian Rinaldi is a programmer, Adobe Community Expert, manager of the Boston ColdFusion User Group and organizer of Flex Camp Boston. Brian is an Advanced Certified ColdFusion MX Developer, as well as a Microsoft Certified Professional. Brian is most well known for his efforts promoting open-source projects in ColdFusion, especially for maintaining the ColdFusion open-source list as well as the weekly updates, both of which you can find via his web site at

Nick Watson speaking at CFUnited Europe

Nick Watson (Adobe, Inc.)

As a Technical Account Manager for ColdFusion, Flex and Livecyle Data Services ES, he is responsible for managing, driving and maintaining technical relationships with major customers in Europe that use these Adobe Enterprise technologies. He previously held the position of Senior Support Engineer and Senior Consultant for ColdFusion, JRun and Spectra during the Macromedia and Allaire days. His daily contact with customers and developers give Nick an excellent view and knowledge of how Adobe technology is deployed and used.

Topic: Enterprise RIAs: LiveCycle Data Services / BlazeDS

To see full description, go to:

Ben Forta at CFUnited Europe!

Forta is a CFUnited Rock Star. We are so excited to announce Ben Forta as our keynote speaker at CFUnited Europe (March 12-13). Come see the event people have been excited to attend year after year in the USA. Ben Forta and the rest of our awesome speakers are ready to bring you an amazing ColdFusion event the UK has to see.

Ben Forta is Adobe's Senior Product Evangelist, and has over two decades of experience in the computer industry in product development, support, training, and marketing. Ben is the author of the best-selling ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit.

The rest of the line up for March 12-13 2008:
John Paul Ashenfelter
Peter Bell
Vince Bonfanti
Chaz Chumley
Ouz Demirkap1
Mark Drew
Shlomy Gantz
Rob Gonda
Simon Horwith
Russ Michaels
Rakshith N
Christian Ready
Kevin Roche
Andrew Schwabe
Michael Smith
Jeff Tapper
Ron West

CFUnited Europe Call for Speakers Open

Want to learn something new? Know of an awesome topic you'd love to attend? Have a certain speaker you think would make make the conference rock?

Well you're in luck...

We've opened the Call for Speakers for CFUnited Europe!

Join the tribe, suggest a topic today.

Sean Corfield, New Scorpio Topic

Check out Sean Corfield's new Scorpio Topic added to CFUnited07 schedule. More Scorpio Topics will be announced soon!

Sean Corfield's Bio

Sean's New Topic "AJAX Integration With Scorpio"

CFUNITED Call for Speakers October 31st

Hi Folks! Please submit your topics for CFUNITED 2007. Yes, we know its early! It is easier for us to fill in the gaps if we have a better idea of submitted topics. We don't want to have to repeat the same old stuff. Also, this isn't just a call for speakers, you can also suggest what you want to hear and from who.

Only 70% of the topics will be chosen early.

Please submit by October 31st

CFUNITED 2007 Call for Speakers

Absolutely! We are releasing the Call for Speakers for CFUNITED 2007.

Go to

What do you want at CFUNITED?!? Suggest a speaker, suggest yourself. Either way this is a developer's conference, created by developers.

Please submit your topic ideas by October 31st for early concideration. We will be booking 70% of the topic sessions earlier this year.

Hal Helms unable to attend

Unfortunately Hal Helms will be unable to join us this year and we are working to replace his talks with Speakers like Simon Horwith, Nick Tunney, Jeff Peters, and Sean Corfield. More information coming soon. We apologize if our event materials do not reflect the last minute changes.

His Domain Modeling class is NOT cancelled and we have a professional replacement who is speaking with Hal at this moment to figure details.

More information coming soon.

New Topic: Introducing the Spry framework for AJAX

Kelly Brown has a new topic for the Manager/Empowered Programming Track "Introducing the Spry framework for AJAX"

Adobe has pre-released an initial version of the Spry framework for AJAX development. This new framework allows you to easily add AJAX functionality to your web sites. Just include a couple JavaScript libraries and you can add AJAX capabilities to your site with a minimal amount of coding. It is designer friendly and based on familiar technologies of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. This session will give an overview of the framework, demonstrate the ease of incorporating it into your site, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using it for your RIA development.

This session is 2:45pm on Friday.

Ben Forta Interview Video

Listen to what Ben Forta, Senior Product Evangelist for Adobe, has to say about CFUNITED 2006.

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