CFUnited Blog

Winner of most popular topic

"Building Your First AIR/CF Application" - Dan Wilson

Dan, you've earned yourself a free Swedish Massage at the Lansdowne Resort during the week of CFUnited conference. Congratulations!

Your topic was the most popular and I'm sure many are looking forward to attending your session.

We'd like to hear more about your session and what you plan to bring to the podium. If you comment about your topic, please let us know where to find the entry.


CFUnited Topic Survey - VOTE NOW

Finally! The topic survey for 2009 is open until December 20th 2008.

Not all topics will be accepted. And not necessarily will these categories become the tracks. We will only be accepting 70 topics for now.

This is the first time EVER that we are choosing the topics through the community picks.

On the survey you can download the PDF of all the topics and descriptions. Do not copy the information on this PDF without the permission of myself and the speaker. These have been submitted to CFUnited directly.

Thank you to the speakers who submitted on time. Thank you to the advisory board for helping me categorize and make changes.

I'm really excited about these topics. So good luck and let speakers know how excited you are about their topics. Blog about your choices so others know and feel free to twitter that you voted. Spread the word!

CFUnited 2009 is going to be Stellr!

CFUnited 2009 Call for Speakers

I'm challenging you!

The greatest feedback from 2008 is that attendees want fresh topics.

We want new and creative topics and in depth descriptions. Suggest a topic yourself or suggest a topic for someone else to speak on.

The idea is that on December 1st we will put all the topic suggestions together and let the community vote. Everyone will have to vote by December 19th. The person who suggests the topic that is voted the most popular will win a special extra gift or free ticket.

Here's what attendees want at CFUnited (from survey):
Integrating new technologies
Hands-on sessions
CF and Flash Integration
Full life cycle development using many of the open-source tools out there
More Flex sessions
Latest technologies
Discussion topics
Advanced material
Code Samples
Some beginner to intermediate talks on using IDEs for coldfusion
Keep the technical quality and variety high
Enterprise level topics
More Advanced CF sessions
CF/Flex topics
Integrating CF with BlazeDS/AIR/Flex
Report Builder
Continuous Integration, ANT, Subversion, Flex
Why upgrade to CF8 for government employee
Centaur new features
Real world presentations
New keynote

Jeff Tapper replaced by Mike Nimer

Jeff Tapper just announced to me that he will not be able to present at CFUnited this year. Instead Mike Nimer will be speaking on his topic. More updates to come.

New Track Chair for Integrating Technologies Track - Steve Nelson

Our new Track Chair for the Integrating Technology Track is Steve Nelson (Webapper Services, LLC)

Steve Nelson has been developing with ColdFusion for the past decade. Many ColdFusion enthusiasts will recognize him as the creator of Fusebox, a popular application framework utilized by thousands of ColdFusion developers. In addition to serving as a technical editor for numerous ColdFusion and Fusebox publications, Steve has also authored the book "Fusebox: Methodology and Techniques". Steve is no stranger to massive ColdFusion projects, sometimes managing and coordinating over 100 remote contractors simultaneously. Though he made and lost millions in the blink of an eye during the "dotcom era", Steve presently spends his days as a Senior Web Architect for WebApper, developers of the popular ColdFusion server monitoring tool SeeFusion.

The INT Track is made up of the following topics.

Steve Nelson Building Google Maps Applications with ColdFusion

Michael Dinowitz Google webmaster tools step by step

Peter Bell Practical Code Generation

Adam Howitt Build a scalable architecture with Amazon's EC2

Charlie Arehart Interactive Step Debugging with the CF8 Debugger

Mark Drew CFEclipse Reloaded

Steve Nelson Building offline applications with Google Gears

Phill Nacelli Integrated ColdFusion Development Environment

New Speaker Mike Nimer - FMS Server Side Development with ColdFusion

Annoucing Mike Nimer's new topic added today in the Intergrating Technologies Track. His topic "FMS Server Side Development with ColdFusion" is occuring Thursday at 8:15am

Here what else Nimer has to say about speaking this year.

Question: Is this your first time speaking at CFUnited?

Nimer: No, I've spoken at CFUnited for the last few years.

Question: Why should people attend your session?

Nimer: Video is becoming a large part of the internet experience. And you can no longer do a simple video player, richer websites require more control and logging of the video experience. And ColdFusion 8 is the only server side language that is able to link into FMS and do some of these server side tasks.

Question: Will people see anything new at your session?

Nimer: I am talking about and showing in detail the new Event Gateway in CF8.

Question: What is the highlight of your session?

Nimer: Showing off another technology that only CF can do.

Speaker Spotlight - Mark Drew topics CFEclipse, ColdSpring, Air

Mark Drew

Mark Drew Mark has been programming Coldfusion since 1996, and even though he has had forays into Perl, ASP and PHP he is still loving every line of code he has crafted with ColdFusion, so much so that he decided to be part of the CFEclipse team and build an even better editor to write CF with. Read more


* CFEclipse Reloaded
* Coldspring: Better living through configuration
* Fresh AIR: Getting to grips with Aptana and AIR apps

Ben Forta presenting with Nate Nelson and Jeremy Kadlec

This trio will be speaking on "End to End Performance Tuning" in the Databases, Deployment, Testing Track.

Finger Pointing. Fact or Fiction. Fact in our book with so many enterprise applications dependent on multiple application tiers. In this session we are looking to bring experts together on each application tier to get the full story on end to end performance tuning. That's right, you will learn valuable techniques from CF, web server, database (SQL Server), Windows, hardware and storage experts on how to tune your CF based applications.

Ben Forta is on record as having only done CFUnited's keynote presentation each year. It will be a treat to see Ben, Nate, and Jeremy discuss these techniques and more!

Charlie Arehart speaking at CFUnited Europe

We are excited to announce that Charlie Arehart is speaking at CFUnited Europe in March. His topic is "Continuous Server Analysis: Keeping ColdFusion Servers Healthy!"

He will be replacing Russ Michaels, who is unable to attend.

To read more about this topic, go to:

Sean Corfield covering Fusebox 5.5 at CFUnited USA

We are sorry that Sandra Clark is unable to join us this year at CFUnited. In her place, Sean Corfield will cover her topic "Driving Fusebox 5.5"

For more information about this topic, go to:

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