CFUnited Blog

Demo Mania

Its Demo Mania!!! (formerly known as "Demo Derby", but the name was misunderstood)

At CFUnited, on Friday August 14th, we will have a series of Demos from anyone in the community willing to show off their their cool app in 7 minutes or less.

Fill out this survey to enter.

Not everyone will be accepted but everyone will be mentioned

How your app makes it on stage: Must be new. Must be cool. Must be able to demo in a short amount of time.

Types of Projects include: Website Apps, Air Apps, iPhone Apps

Oh yeah, You must be attending the conference to enter and watch ;-)

Pre-Conf Class - Get Started with CFBuilder with Charlie Arehart

Charlie Arehart is doing a pre-conference class on ColdFusion Builder. Announced today.

CU250 - Charlie Arehart - Getting Started with CFBuilder, for those coming from Dreamweaver, CFStudio, HomeSite, etc.

Register now

You've heard the buzz about ColdFusion Builder (code-named Bolt and referred to hereafter as CFBuilder), now get a walkthrough (hands-on from your own laptop if you bring one) from someone who's been down the same path, coming to CFBuilder from other non-Eclipse-based CFML editors like Dreamweaver, HomeSite, and CF Studio. In this day-long class, Veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will introduce you to CFBuilder, presuming you have no prior experience with it or Eclipse/CFEclipse. (Indeed, if you do have experience with those editors, this is not the class for you!)

Whether you want to or are being told to use CFBuilder, it's clearly the CFML editor of the future, and you'll come away with a clear appreciation of its strengths and capabilities. You may even, like Charlie, grow very quickly to like it.

Many who tried in the past to make the transition from those other CFML editors to CFEclipse (a close cousin to CFBuilder) struggled, partly from the significant differences between the editors, and partly from a relative lack of guidance (and indeed a sense of not belonging) for those making the transition. You were generally expected to tough it out and "get with the program".

Adobe has done several things to address those challenges in CFBuilder. There's still room for improvement, sure, but they've also added still more powerful features that make it all the more worth the transition, including many not ever provided in the other CFML editors. Charlie will gently guide those using the other editors to appreciate the power and even the simplicity of CFBuilder.

More Details and Outline

Other Hotels for CFUnited Attendees

We have new information!

Unfortunately we could not provide group rates for overflow hotels. However, we are providing a FREE shuttle to 3 nearby hotels! And we've included price ranges for your convenience.

Holiday Inn Carrodoc Hall (3.58 miles; 5-10 Minutes Away)
As low as $105 per night
1500 East Market Street
Leesburg , VA 20176

Hampton Inn (6.43 miles; 10-15 Minutes Away)
As low as $135.15 per night
46331 McCellan Way
Sterling, VA 20165

Comfort Suites (5.38 miles; 10 Minutes Away)
As low as $125.99 per night
80 Prosperity Ave
Leesburg, VA, US, 20175

View Map of Hotel Shuttle Route. Shuttles will run often. Exact times will be announced on July 17th.

New Topic - Janine Driver, The Lyin Tamer

Do you have it all?

I brought in a celebrity to speak at CFUnited. I saw Janine Driver in DC in June and she's hilarious and has a ton of great tips for business professionals. She will show you how to climb the ladder in your career. She's trained many in the government and law enforcement agencies, now she's reaching to business professionals like us. (See the link to her recent TV show appearances below)

For all you "LIE TO ME" show fans: Janine Driver's mentor is Dr. Paul Ekman, the inspiration behind the new hit TV show.

Her topic is "The New Executive Presence"

Speaking Times:
Thu. 3:15PM-4:15PM
Fri. 9:00AM-10:00AM

Janine Driver, Body Language Contributor for NBC's The Today Show, has been dubbed the "Lyin' Tamer" and that's L-Y-I-N Tamer because...she knows when people are lying! Janine is a world-renowned body language expert, international speaker, author and life coach. She has been seen on the Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, CNN, the History Channel, ESPN, Fox News Live and many more. She is the author of The Masters of Success and will release her second book with Crown Publishing, "YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK: A 7- Day Plan on How to Use the New Body Language to Get What You Want", February 2010. Janine's background is as fascinating as the subject matter she teaches. By day, she spent more than a decade as an award- winning Federal Law Enforcement Officer for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), training 30,000+ cops, lawyers and judges in the fine art of separating fact from fiction. By night, she thrilled audiences as a stand up comic who shared the stage with Chris Rock, Robin Williams and Ray Romano. Today, Janine teaches her recently de-classified body language strategies to thousands of businesses around the globe! Her motto: "If I can teach cops to get the bad guys to confess, then I can teach YOU to easily get the people in your life to say 'YES'!"

Watch videos of her recent appearances on TV

I decided to bring in something a little different to this conference. I hope everyone enjoy this rare experience.

jQuery and ColdFusion: A Quiz

How do you measure up hot shot?

Take this quiz to see if you how you do.

Jeff Peters is teaching an intense class August 11th 2009 on "jQuery and ColdFusion"

jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in use. ColdFusion can auto-generate JavaScript for many favorite AJAX-type tasks. This class will explore how to make automated JavaScript and hand-rolled JavaScript work and play well together, while retaining the developer's sanity. Bring your own laptop and a healthy dose of curiosity. Techniques explored are also applicable to other JavaScript libraries.

jQuery and ColdFusion: A Quiz

Or register now!

CFUnited BOFs fixed

It was brought to my attention that the first set of BOFs we scheduled for 2 hours. I've changed them to 1 hour so that everyone can schedule their second set of BOFs.

Here are the list of BOFs in case you haven't seen them yet!

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Sean Corfield "The CFML Advisory Committee - Happy First Birthday! BOF"

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dee Sadler "Designer and developers working together BOF"

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dan Wilson "Model-Glue:Gesture release BOF"

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dan Vega "iPhone Application Development BOF"

9:30 PM - 10:30 PM Luis Majano "ColdBox Platform 3.0.0"

9:30 PM - 10:30 PM John Mason "ColdFusion User Group / Community Development BOF"

9:30 PM - 10:30 PM Mike Brunt and John Farrar "Silent Authentication BOF"

9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Raymond Camden "SciFi BOF"

9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Movie (we are taking suggestions for which movie to play!)

Thanks Sean for pointing out the mistake!

CFUnited Museum and Open Mic Night

Hello Talented CFUnited Attendees!

CFUnited is about great topics and learning as always. But its also about networking. When we network we find things that we have in common, whether its about our favorite hardware or our favorite SciFi shows. We build connections with people we have common interests with.

We came up with an idea that is unique for us and will prove to be an interesting experiment.

Museum and Open Mic Night for our talented community.

Let us know if you'd like to participate. You can bring 1-3 pieces of artwork (or photographs). If you would like to start a jam session on stage with a few others, we'd like to see that too. Magic tricks, poems, sculptures, etc are all welcome.

Scott Stroz will be our Open Mic Night host and one of the performers

Please fill out this form by July 31st to be added to performances and to enter your artwork.

Saturday Repeats

Attention CFUnited Saturday Attendees

We will be picking the Saturday Topics Mid-June. We will be looking at the most popular sessions once more attendees pick their agenda for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday on the scheduler. This will help us determine the most popular topics to repeat on Saturday.

If you have a suggestion for a must have topic on Saturday as repeat, please email it to liz (at)

We will work with the community to pick those sessions. Thanks!

Adobe Community Achievement Awards

Nominate the Best in the Industry for the Adobe Community Achievement Awards. Formerly known as the CFEmmys, Todd Sharp has reintroduced to CFUnited a chance to recognize those who display excellence.

Please enter your nominations by June 8th

Everyone is eligible and feel free to nominate yourself. Todd will narrow down the results and CFUnited will provide the list to the public before the vote on winners begins.

Schedule Posted

Hello Community!

We've posted the schedule.

We have some new topics on the way as well. The Scheduler Software will be coming May 22nd.

Each topic has an assigned room with the number of seats available. If you plan on attending, you will have to add your favorite topics to your personal schedule to reserve a seat.

Keep subscribed to this blog for the announcement when the time comes to fill out your personal schedule.

Adobe topics are TBA at the moment.

Thanks for registering for CFUnited!

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