Jun Heider - Sr. Developer and Technical Trainer with RealEyes Media, an Adobe partner company based in Denver, Colorado with a focus in Rich Internet Applications. Jun graduated from Regis University with a BS in Computer Networking and has a number of technical certifications. Jun has worked with ColdFusion since 4.5, Flex since Flex 2 beta, and AIR since it was first available in pre-release. In addition, Jun loves to speak at conferences such as Adobe MAX, 360|Flex, and Flexmaniacs. Jun also loves to write, he is an active blogger on O'Reilly Inside RIA and has written articles for Fusion Authority and Flex Authority. Jun is also co-authoring the upcoming Professional Flex 3 by Wrox. In his free time, Jun loves to play music, his Xbox 360, snowboard, and hang out with his son Kobi, daughter Mia, and wife Michelle in Colorful Colorado.
CFUnited session: Intro to Flex Debugging and Profiling
1. Have you spoken at CFUnited in the past?
I've never spoken at CFUnited before, but the reason I decided to was because I had heard so many good things about it in the past through the ColdFusion community. I usually spend my time at Flex/AIR centric conferences, but it was good to find out that although ColdFusion is still a majority of what CFUnited is about, it definitely isn't the only thing.
2. Why should people attend your session(s)?
If you're getting started with Flex and pull out your hair while trying to resolve issues in your code on a frequent basis, this will be a very good session for you to attend. During the session I will be covering many aspects of debugging and profiling your Flex applications. By the end of the session you should walk away with a good idea of the tools available to you and how to get started with using them.
3. Do you have any projects in the works that you will be revealing at CFUnited?
Not personally, but hopefully Flex Builder 4 beta will be out by the conference. If it is, the fancy new debugging and profiling features will definitely be covered.
4. Besides your topic, what other sessions are you looking forward to?
Just to name a few:
- AIR Messaging: Integrating AIR, BlazeDS, and ColdFusion
- Design Diagrams for CFC's and Databases
- Subversion for Smarties - Do More With Subversion
- Practical Refactoring: Making Bad Code Good
- Advanced SQL for ColdFusion
- Flex and Google App Engine
- Using Design Patterns in Flex
- How not to code flex applications
- Blowing Your Mind With Merapi
- Busy Programers Guide to Java part 1
5. What are some of the hot topics you'd like to see at RoundTable discussions?
Hmm... maybe a good talk about Battlestar or one on the latest Star Trek movie and predictions on what the next Star Trek TV series will be about.
6. Where can people find you at CFUnited?
At the bar or in a session, or in a session at the bar.
7. What's the latest news with you? Has anything changed since last CFUnited?
Yes, the change since the last CFUnited is that I actually get to come to CFUnited this time. :)
8. What is unique about CFUnited?
I think the room names at CFUnited are really unique. I mean, a room called Galactica?? That's just rad!
9. What do you like to do in your free time?
When I'm not working and/or taking care of my children I enjoy jamming and making music. I also love my Xbox 360, Fallout 3 and the combat shotgun I get to use in it at point blank during VATS, oh yeah!
10. What's your favorite CFML tag of all time?
That would be < cfdump > baby ...yeah!
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