CFUnited Blog

Early Bird ends 11/30/2009 - Get that worm people!

You know you will be at CFUnited 2010 if...

1. Hearing Ben Forta call CFUNITED, "the premier CF-specific event" makes you feel like part of the cool kids club.

2. Schmoozing with speakers late-night at the bar is on the top of your to do list.

3. You have the honor and valor to serve the community. Get broken down and built back up soldier-style at CF Boot Camp. Sir, yes Sir!

4. You are jones-ing for a Flex fix.

5. Trying to have a technical conversation with the common everyman is pointless and you long to be with people who "get it."

6. Your boss who knows that when you return to the office from CFUnited you will give the company a competitive edge armed with with the latest and greatest in CF, Flex, and Air - making you the ace in the hole.

7. Insert your reason here. Of the many reason not to miss CFUnited 2010, we would love to hear yours! Send us a tweet or leave a comment below.

Register by 11/30 to get $50 off with the code NPC50

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween! Time to get tricky, send cara(at) a pic of your geeked out costume and/or jack-o-lantern. The very best will get a treat! And don't forget to register before the witching hour on Hallows Eve to get a wicked discount! Use the code MAX09CF to get $100 off registration.

CF in NC 09

Super awesome free CF event in super awesome North Carolina! The Triangle Area ColdFusion User's Group, associates, and sponsors are organizing the ColdFusion in North Carolina 2009 Conference to be held October 17-18, 2009 on the Centennial Campus of NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. The conference will be aimed at ColdFusion and Flex developers and others who are interested in web design using these technologies.


CF in NC attendees can get a $100.00 off registration for CFUnited 2010! Use the promo code CFinNC09 before November 15, 2009. CFinNC - Carolina ColdFusion / Flex / Air Conference - Oct 17-18, 2009

Met you at MAX or missed you at MAX?

MAX was a great experience, the best part being all the cool people we met! We brought coupons good for $100 off registration for CFUnited 2010 and gave them to folks we met there. If we met and you didn't get a coupon, or if we didn't get to meet but you were there, use the promo code below when you register or contact before the coupon expires on 10/30 so you are sure to get that discount!

CFUnited 2009 Session Reviews

Whats the good word? CFUnited 09 has gotten great reviews! Check out what had to say...

CFUnited 2009 (August 12-15, 2009 at the Landsdowne Resort in Leesburg, VA) has provided me with a myriad of positive experiences. I was surprised at the level of professionalism and the caliber of speakers. The sessions and seminars were powerful and provided a wealth of knowledge. The speakers actually shared their experiences and knowledge! I had a wonderful time at this very enriching and rewarding event. I knew then I had found a good community to be part of.


CFUnited 2010 Call for Speakers is now open!

I know its early, but due to popular demand we are opening the CFUnited 2010 Call for Speakers today!

For the past few months we have received emails from all over from individuals with ideas on what they would like to present at next year's conference. We are looking for talented speakers, fresh topics, and juicy ColdFusion & Flex content. Fill out the following form to suggest your topics

Watch out for more details about the call for speakers in the upcoming weeks.

CFUnited $499 special early bird price ends Sept 25!

We are opening 200 tickets at $499 for the 3 day price. But we also have to cut it off September 25th. So tell your friends who didn't have the opportunity to go this year. It is more affordable than ever. Once you have your ticket, that's half the battle!

2010 will rock and you might just be surprised that we will be able to make it even better.

The event will take place in August and will be in the DC metro area. We will announce the exact location and dates in the upcoming weeks. If you register now and upon announcement the venue and dates do not work for you we will refund your registration, so there is no risk in taking advantage of the early bird price.

There is only one more week left to take advantage of our lowest registration packages, register while the offer is still available!

RIA Unleashed : Boston

RIA Unleashed : Boston is a one-day, three-track, event that covers Adobe Flex, Adobe AIR, Adobe ColdFusion and related technologies and disciplines, with 20 sessions designed to allow you to focus on the technologies you are interested in. Get exciting updates on the Adobe Flash Platform, learn the latest tips and tricks from the leading RIA developers, and network with your peers.

The event is being held on November 13th at Bentley College in Waltham, MA. There is already an amazing lineup of speakers including Ray Camden, Adam Lehman, Ryan Stewart, Peter Bell, Jason Delmore, Simon Free and many more! Currently registration is only $50 for individuals and $40 for groups and that includes the full day of sessions, lunch, prizes and an after-party. On top of that, there is a special CFUnited discount of $10 off if you use the code "CFUNITED". Plus, if you register now, you are eligible to win a PlayStation 3 Slim through our referral contest if you refer your friends and coworkers!

So don't wait as space is limited and past events (formerly Flex Camp Boston) have sold out! Register today.

So you want to win a CF Dude Video Camera?

Sign up to attend at least one of these 3 upcoming ColdFusion & Flex events:

CFinNC October 17 - 18, 2009

bFlex/bFusion October 24 - 25, 2009

RIA Unleashed November 13, 2009

Then go to and in a 100 words or less, describe why you love ColdFusion or why you are excited to learn ColdFusion! You'll be entered to win one of the limited edition CFDude video cameras.

CFUnited 2010 big news!

Hello CFUnited alumni and fans! It's Fall and the leaves aren't the only thing changing this season. Big news everyone, drum roll please... Liz Frederick is joining the Developer Relations team at Adobe to become a Community Manager! APPLAUSE! Liz has helped to build CFUnited into the premiere ColdFusion conference for over the last 8 years and has done an amazing job as manager and director of CFUnited, putting place practices and procedures that have made for an excellent ColdFusion community event each year.

As Liz is joining Adobe she will be missed at the office but we will retain her guidance through the detailed procedures she leaves behind. She will also continue to be an integral part of CFUnited conferences as a member of the Advisory Board, offering guidance to the Stellr team whenever needed. The Stellr team, including myself, Elliott Sprehn, and Cara Beverage, volunteers and its newest list of advisers (Charlie Arehart , Raymond Camden, Sean Corfield, Shlomy Gantz, Adam Lehman, Liz Frederick, Chaz Chumley, Bob Flynn, Simon Free, Brian Kotek, Andy Powell, Dan Wilson, Todd Sharp, Scott Stroz, and Mark Drew) are committed to put together an amazing CFUnited event in 2010. Registration is open for business, were running an incredible deal of $499 for a 3 day package, from now until September 25th! Things went great this year and it's totally gone to our heads! I guess we're just feeling really generous, take advantage and get the BEST DEAL EVER, so far.

Please, feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, Adobe MAX is right around the corner, Cara and I can't wait to see you there!

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