CFUnited Blog

Manager Track Topics

Here are the Manager Track Topics. More coming soon! Thank you Shlomy Gantz for being the track chair.

"Promoting ColdFusion Outside the ColdFusion Community" - Brian Meloche
"Changing the Game" - Hal Helms
"Reviving the Lost Craft of Writing Specifications" - Nat Papovich
"CF Powered Traffic Optimization" - John Farrar
"10 steps to ruin a CF project" - Shlomy Gantz (NEW)

Frameworks Track at CFUnited USA 2008

Here is the list of accepted topics so far for the Frameworks Track.

"ColdSpring: Better Living through Configuration" - Mark Drew
"ColdSpring 1337" - Chris Scott
"Using Popular JavaScript Frameworks" - Boyan Kostadinov
"Event-Driven Programming in CF" - Sean Corfield
"Leveraging Popular CF Frameworks to Make Better Applications" - Kurt Wiersma (covers using Mach-II, CS and Transfer together)
"Head First Mach-II" - Matt Woodward
"Driving Fusebox 5.5" - Sandy Clark

Topics on ColdBox, Model-Glue, Transfer, etc. coming soon

By the way, some people have asked about Frameworks Conference. Well, we haven't found a good time to do one yet or a location. We hoped the turn out last year would have been better but we were a little disappointed. Maybe for 2009 we will make some changes and find a fun location. For now, please enjoy the Frameworks Track at this year's CFUnited. Lots more to come!

CFUnited Europe survey contest ends Nov 23rd

Don't miss out on an opportunity to win a pass to CFUnited Europe, March 12th - 13th 2008 in London.

We are giving away a free ticket to one lucky attendee who completes the CFUnited Europe Scavenger Hunt Survey! The best part about the survey is that its easy, so no excuses for not giving it a shot.

To participate in this contest just visit

If you have already completed the survey feel free to share the link with developer friends and coworkers!

All fields must be completed correctly and we will pick the one that in our opinion answers the question below best and completes all comments.

Entries must be submitted by November 23rd 2007, and a winner will be announced on November 27th 2007.

To learn more about the conference visit

Advanced CF Track Topics

Below are a list of topics that will be included in the Advanced CF Track for CFUnited USA 2008, track chair Ray Camden.

This is not the full list of topics, however, these are the ones chosen to be accept now. More coming soon. These will be posted on the website within 24 hours.

Peter Bell
Object Oriented programming can be quicker as well as more maintainable than procedural code, but you have to use the right patterns in the right way so you can focus on getting your sites live rather than worrying about DAO's and Gateways. In one hour, learn a series of patterns we have used to build rich custom web applications in days rather than months. Some OO experience required.

"jQuery/CF Integration"
John Farrar
With each version of AJAX there are special unique benefits and challenges. This talk will be on how to mix your ColdFusion sites with jQuery AJAX library. Learn how to use the AJAX and how to build your own plugins.

"Writing Secure CFML"
Pete Freitag
Web vulnerabilities are the new buffer overflows. Hackers are shifting their focus from attacking server software in favor of targeting flaws within web applications. Learn to write code that mitigates the effectiveness of this new breed of attacks.

"Multi Lingual (i18N) ColdFusion Applications"
Oguz Demirkapi
This presentation will explain the theory of creating multi-language applications and methods in ColdFusion with best practices. The main goals will be explaining the theory behind multi-language applications, defining requirements and solutions, and providing best practices with code samples. Some points that will be covered: * Explaining the theory for i18N (internationalization), L10N (localization), g11N (globalization) and other known approaches. * Defining opportunities to create effective solutions such as Java platform tools usage or designing better database. * Setting up your environment to make multilingual applications easier to write: Code organization, database server settings, ColdFusion server settings, development tools, etc. * Creating a multi-language application from scratch with some different i18N techniques such as dynamic content management or content replication.

"All about CFThread"
Rupesh Kumar
ColdFusion 8 introduced CFthread that allows writing multi-threaded programming in ColdFusion. This sessions will cover CFThread in great details - threads life cycle, how to use it, different scopes related to threads and how it can increase the performance of application. It will cover various pitfalls when it comes to multi-threaded applications and how to avoid it. It will also cover the management and monitoring aspect of cfthreads.

"ColdFusion Administrator API"
Nicholas Tunney
Learn to build administration consoles with restricted rights for your web developers using the CFAM API. Take the pain out of server administration without the security worries!

Deployment/Platform and Beginner Track Topics - First round

First round of topics accepted. More to come.

NOTE: These will be posted within 24 hours on the main CFUnited topics page.

So far the track chairs have decided on these topics/speakers for the Deployment/Platform track and the Beginner Track.

"Building Advanced Search Capabilities for your web site with SQL Server" Jeremy Kadlec
(New title coming soon) "Server Down - high availability options and trouble shooting" Patrick Quinn
"End to End Performance Tuning" 4 Speakers
"Database Design: Avoiding maintenance and performance headaches" Nate Nelson

Then these topics/speakers will be invited, titles and better details coming soon.
SQL server - Selene Bainum,
SQL tips - Rob Gonda
CFQUERY plus - Tom de Manincor.
"The Ins and Outs of Virtual Servers" - TBD

We will have 4-5 topics that are bootcamp (the basics), 2 include:
"CF8 Server Monitor Introduction" Charlie Arehart
"Basic ColdFusion Application Debugging" Tyler Fitch

These other topics decided on are beyond introductory, but still beginner

"Image Manipulation with ColdFusion 8 " Pete Freitag
"Leveraging Basic Object Oriented Concepts in ColdFusion" Phill Nacelli
"ColdFusion 8 and AJAX: Easy For You, Better For Users" Matthew Woodward
"Dynamic Presentation using ColdFusion 8" Chaz Chumley

New Track Categories and Track Chairs

Our process for picking topics has created a dilemma with our previous track names, so we've decided to change the track titles. The following is a list of tracks for which the topics will fall under.

NOTE: The plan is to announce 3-5 topics for each track today. Stay tuned.

Accessibility / Usability - Section 508, UI best practices, CSS and disabled access
IDEs and other technologies - Includes CFEclipse, Dreamweaver, Wizards, Online Tools, etc.
RIAs - Rich Internet Applications including Flex, Ajax, Air topics
Advanced CF - Advanced ColdFusion topics, an intermediate knowledge of CF required
Bootcamp CF (Fundamentals) - The first half of the the Bootcamp sessions are an introduction to CF. The second half are beginner topics covering basics of CF8 and RIA topics. Also includes any topics not requiring intermediate experience.
Manager - Project Managing, Development Approach Methodologies, Tools, Marketing, Business Issues
Frameworks/CMS - Fusebox and other various frameworks covered, including content management solutions
Deployment/Platform - Integrating with SQL Server, Database Rountables, Operating System, Deployment tools (such as ANT)


Accessiblity/Usability - coming soon

IDEs and other technologies - (so new we haven't picked a track chair)

RIAs - Simon Horwith and Joe Rinehart

Advanced CF - Raymond Camden

Bootcamp CF - Nate Nelson

Manager - Shlomy Gantz

Frameworks/CMS - Brian Kotek

Deployment/Platform - Jeremy Kadlec and Nate Nelson

CFUnited Europe Reduced Price For Groups!

CFUnited Europe is announcing today a new price for groups of 3 or more.

BUY 2 tickets, GET 1 FREE!

That means each per person is about 33% off the ticket price. You must be a group of 3 or more to receive these benefits. If you have already registered and want to send more attendees, please contact us so we can help you.

Contact info(at) or liz(at) today! This promotion does not expire and does apply to the currently listed price. If you register by January 10, 2008 your price with this discount is about $569 per person. (about £277)

Register today

Don't miss Flex Camp Boston, Dec 7

Flex Camp Boston is a full-day event featuring some top industry experts on Adobe Flex and AIR from both inside and outside Adobe. Come advance your Flex skills, meet members of the Adobe Flex team and network with local companies and fellow developers. Sessions will be geared towards developers with moderate to advanced level of experience with Flex and/or ActionScript. There will be plenty of giveaways, raffles and swag (and lunch). At $10, you can't beat the price! The event will be held on December 7 at the LaCava Center of Bentley College in Waltham from 8am to 5pm (registration from 8-8:30). For the full agenda, directions and latest announcements visit

If you are interested in sponsoring the first Flex event of its kind in New England, please contact Brian Rinaldi at [email protected].

CF Meetup: "Down & Dirty With ColdBox 2.5.0 - Who, What, Why?", with Luis Majano

Announcing a new event for The Online ColdFusion Meetup Group!

What: "Down & Dirty With ColdBox 2.5.0 - Who, What, Why?", with Luis Majano

When: Thursday, Nov 15, 6:00pm EST (GMT-5) (What time is that for you? See

Meeting URL:

Duration: Approx. 1 hour


An introduction into the ColdBox framework's latest version 2.5.0, a synopsis of why use a framework, why use ColdBox, how it works and how you can benefit from it.

CF Meetup: "Build a scalable architecture with Amazon's EC2", with Adam Howitt

Announcing a new event for The Online ColdFusion Meetup Group!

What: "Build a scalable architecture with Amazon's EC2", with Adam Howitt

When: Thursday, Nov 15, 12:00pm EST (GMT-5) (What time is that for you? See

Meeting URL: Duration: Approx. 1 hour

Adam Howitt, presenting a follow-up of his talk from 2 weeks ago. This time he'll present "Build a scalable architecture with Amazon's EC2". Please note that this talk is at noon. I'll also have announcement shortly of another speaker for that evening at 6pm.


Learn how to use Amazon's EC2 service to build a scaleable architecture with EC2 from just $75 per month per machine. Adam will show you how to boot up Amazon servers, bundle up a machine image and then boot a farm of identical machines to handle temporary increases in load. Amazon EC2 (elastic compute cloud) is a beta service offered to allow you to boot virtual servers on Amazon's infrastructure to handle surges in traffic or provide extra processing power on demand.

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