CFUnited Blog

Brian Rinaldi speaking at CFUnited USA

We are sorry to hear that Rob Gonda will not be able to make it to CFUnited 2008. In his place, Brian Rinaldi will be presenting on "Wrinting an RIA? Secure your data!" For more details about this topic, go to

Brian Rinaldi is a programmer, Adobe Community Expert, manager of the Boston ColdFusion User Group and organizer of Flex Camp Boston. Brian is an Advanced Certified ColdFusion MX Developer, as well as a Microsoft Certified Professional. Brian is most well known for his efforts promoting open-source projects in ColdFusion, especially for maintaining the ColdFusion open-source list as well as the weekly updates, both of which you can find via his web site at

Nick Watson speaking at CFUnited Europe

Nick Watson (Adobe, Inc.)

As a Technical Account Manager for ColdFusion, Flex and Livecyle Data Services ES, he is responsible for managing, driving and maintaining technical relationships with major customers in Europe that use these Adobe Enterprise technologies. He previously held the position of Senior Support Engineer and Senior Consultant for ColdFusion, JRun and Spectra during the Macromedia and Allaire days. His daily contact with customers and developers give Nick an excellent view and knowledge of how Adobe technology is deployed and used.

Topic: Enterprise RIAs: LiveCycle Data Services / BlazeDS

To see full description, go to:

CFUnited Interview: Ray Camden - Ajax and CF

The following is an interview conducted by Brian Rinaldi, Author of RemoteSynthesis, Adobe Community Expert, and User Group manager of Boston CFUG, regarding Ray Camden's presentation topics for CFUnited 2008.

Ray Camden is next in my series of interviews of speakers at this year's CFUnited conference. As ColdFusion's resident "Jedi Master", Ray probably needs no introduction, but he's getting one anyway. Ray has been among ColdFusion's most recognized and widely read, via his blog and books, people in ColdFusion. He is also ColdFusion's most prolific open-source developer, with an ever-growing array of projects and his work maintaining RIAForge. Raymond runs his own consulting company, Camden Media.

What sessions are you doing this year at CFUnited?

A session on Ajax and ColdFusion.

Can you tell me a little more about the session and what you plan to cover?

I'll be talking about new Ajax features in ColdFusion 8, which is quite big and I'll have a lot to cover. I think people will be surprised by the level of support.

Right, I know I have been impressed. I particularly love the cfajaxproxy tag which you have covered recently on your blog. I don't think everyone realizes how powerful that tag can be. Can you expand on what features perhaps in the new Ajax support have impressed you most?

Ajaxproxy without a doubt, and outside of that - the built in support for returning cfc data in JSON is very nice.

I know you were doing a lot of Ajax work with Spry before ColdFusion 8. Have the new features affected how you approach a new project that would use Ajax?

Well yes, I definitely feel like my tool set is quite a bit bigger. Does that mean I don't use Spry? Not necessarily. I really like how Spry works especially on the display side. Right now you can say I'm playing the field. If a new project came along, I'm not sure which one I'd use, and you can, of course, mix things up, and use both. Again, I think the point to bear in mind is that you have all these new options at your disposal in CF8. That's really cool.

Do you have a particular favorite feature in CF8? Would it be the Ajax support?

I spoke about this to... someone recently. I forget who. And what I told him was - right now I'm really digging the small stuff. Like I love being able to do fileRead() as a function. I love being able to do ++, etc. There were a lot of small things in CF8 that are really nice and that I actually use more often.

Right, and those are the kind of productivity enhancing features that don't make headlines on any feature release but make a difference day-to-day.


So, changing topics. I noticed you added some really nice features to RIAForge today. Maybe you can talk briefly about the growth that site has seen over the past year. Also, are you planning any releases of your own projects for the conference?

Sure, from a code perspective, not really as much as I'd like. Mainly just small updates here and there. The SVN update recently was the biggest one. Traffic wise it's got pretty good traffic, and usage in general continues to climb. I was a bit concerned how folks would take to it with other similar sites out there - but it's really been a success so far I believe.

And no - not really. The only project in active development now is BlogCFC 6, and that's going very slowly. I'm not rushing it because I want it done right. It may be ready for CFUNITED, but I'd be surprised. I'd like it to be at least be in Alpha stage.

Well, I understand you are making a lot of major changes in BlogCFC 6, correct?

It's a complete rewrite. BlogCFC is quite old, so I'm starting from scratch, although I'm sure some bits will carry over.

I am acutely aware of its age since I haven't updated mine in years. Might be about time!

So, switching gears to wrap things up. What are your thoughts on the recent announcement of the new venue and dates for CFUnited?

None at all really. This new location looks pretty nice, but honestly, it's the conference itself that is the important thing. So long as the facilities don't get in the way, then I'm fine. Then again, I'd rather not have something like the last MAX where each session involved a 30 minute walk. ;)

Yes, I do remember the walks at MAX. Many a session got missed for not wanting to walk it.

Last item, given your status as the ColdFusion Jedi, when are you going to officially designate me as a ColdFusion Padawon?

Heh, school starts tomorrow morning. See you at 5! ;)

Well, thanks for chatting Ray and I look forward to seeing you at CFunited.

Same here!

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Mark Drew

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Mark Drew

Christian Ready sat down with Mark Drew on the first day of CFUnited 2007 to talk about what projects he was up to at the time and what he would be speaking about at CFUnited.

Podcast Link:

CFUnited USA 2008 Hotel Accommodations Announced

CFUnited USA June 18th-21st 2008

Please reserve your room for CFUnited 2008.

Single Occupancy: $ 229
Double Occupancy: $ 254
Triple Occupancy: $ 279
Quadruple Occupancy: $ 304
Grand Club: $60 additional per room/per nt.

Use this URL to reserve your hotel accommodations.

Or go to

CFunited Blog bling updated with new dates and location!

Due to the recent changes in the conference dates and location we have updated our blog bling. Please visit the spread the word page to update your blogs and websites with the new banners.

CFUnited at the DC Convention Center June 18th-21st 2008

This year we are excited to announce that our 10th Anniversary event will occur at the DC Convention Center located in Downtown Washington DC. This decision was tough and we thought long and hard before jumping in because we wanted to ensure an exciting event for our attendees.

The other news is the entire DC metro area is in a "Black Out" the last week in June, which means there is another event that is taking up almost all the hotel rooms and space in the entire area. This means that CFUnited conference dates had to be moved to June 18th - 21st.

The main hotel for conference attendees is the Grand Hyatt, located a couple blocks from the convention center. The hotel discount code will be available Friday on the travel page of our website. The price per single room is $229. We will list the other rooms rates as well.

We hope this news continues to work with your plans to attend CFUnited. The registration and website in general will be updated by February 1st with the news and changes.

Thank you for your attention to this important update. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Liz Frederick 301.424.3903 x107 or email liz(at)

Quotes from our sponsors and speakers:

"You have my full whole hearted support. All problems have been anticipated and you are a seasoned planner in this community." - Bob Flynn

"A lot of benefits for having the event at the Convention Center. Very accessible and it makes it easy to go do something. No need to rent a car either. The Whitehouse is in walking distance. And those dates actually work better for me." - Sean Corfield

"A new venue, a new date ... with TeraTech's track history, I'm certain these factors will not change the fact that CFUnited 2008 will be the best ever." - Jeff Backhus,

"Works for me! I don't have any issues. Having a speaker room at the convention center helps." - Ray Camden

"Should be really fun" - Joe Rinehart

"Those dates are fine for me." - Ben Forta

"There is so much to do. This will be lots of fun." - Simon Horwith

"Finally I can attend the event and come home with memories of visiting DC instead of the bar at the Marriott" - Mark Drew


CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Kevin Roche - Fusebox framework

CFUnited Podcast: Interview with Kevin Roche - Fusebox framework

Christian Ready sits down with Kevin Roche to talk about his work with the Fusebox framework and his work on the upcoming CFUnited Europe.

Check out the podcast here

Big announcement about CFUnited coming Wednesday

Hello everyone in the CF community. We have exciting information about CFUnited to be announced on Wednesday. My conference advisers have been notified of the news and everyone seems very excited. I have one more detail to decide before blogging. But I wanted to create a reminder to visit our website again this week for the announcement. Thank you for your patience.

New Speaker - Enrique Duvos

We have a new speaker added to CFUnited Europe conference.

Enrique Duvos is a Senior Platform Evangelist for Adobe in Europe. His role is to help customers, partners and developers across Europe understand and adopt the benefits and characteristics of some of the Adobe core platform technologies, such as Adobe" Flash, PDF, AIR, Flex and LiveCycle ES. Prior to the Adobe merger he was part of the Macromedia technical sales team specialized in the company's enterprise portfolio of technologies.

Enrique Duvos will be speaking on the following topics:

Taking Web Applications to the Desktop: Intro to Adobe AIR 1.0
Adobe Flex 3 Overview: Latest features
Enterprise RIAs: LiveCycle Data Services / BlazeDS

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