CFUnited Blog

Birds of Feather topics announced - COOP, SciFi, SCRAT

Wondering what you'll be doing June 18th at 8:30pm? Hopefully you are attending one of these interesting subjects.

We still have a couple slots to fill, but so far here is what we've accepted. We think these will be of great interest to attendees of all sorts.

8:30PM - 9:30PM John Farrar "COOP on ICE, Cooler CF" - DC Convention Center

8:30PM - 9:30PM (or later) Raymond Camden "SciFi discussion" - Grand Hyatt

8:30PM - 9:30PM Nat Papovich "The Secret Club of Remote workers and Telecommuters, a.k.a. SCRAT - DC Convention Center

CF Meetup: XML and ColdFusion, with Nic Tunney

CF Meetup: XML and ColdFusion, with Nic Tunney

Thursday, March 6, 2008 at 6:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Description: XML and ColdFusion is an intermediate level presentation delving into not only what XML is and what it means to developers as both a communication tool and persistence layer, but also how to traverse the XML Dom using ColdFusion. If time permits, an XPath demonstration will be given as well. This presentation assumes a basic knowledge of ColdFusion arrays and structures.

To learn more visit:

New Topic added - Automating the build/deployment process with ANT

We would like to welcome a new speaker to CFUnited.

Marc Esher

A Longtime ColdFusion and Java programmer, Marc is currently working in the brokerage industry building custom print-on-demand and workflow software. He is a co-owner of the MXUnit Unit Testing Framework for ColdFusion. His primary professional interests, aside from programming, are process automation and improvement and automated testing.

Topic:"Automating the build/deployment process with ANT" Read more about this topic at

Looking for late night Birds of Feather ideas

I have 4 BOF sessions open from 8:00pm-9:00pm for June 18th. We are looking for interesting topics to fulfill the needs of those jet lagers and die-hard conference goers. If you have an interesting topic, please let Liz know by March 5th. All submissions cannot be accepted. First come, first serve, but if we don't think it fits we might pick the next good topic. Usually we are looking for discussion topics that are fun or interactive.

(Why do they call it Birds of Feather? Such a weird name)

contact liz(at) or comment on this blog. Thanks!

This is for CFUnited USA.

CF Meetup: ANT on the Wire: Using FTP, Email, SVN, and VSS, with Marc Esher

CF Meetup: ANT on the Wire: Using FTP, Email, SVN, and VSS, with Marc Esher

Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 12:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Description: This is a how-to session on using FTP, Email, Subversion, and VSS access in your ANT build files. It will demonstrate exactly how to configure your environment for using these tasks and will demo all of them. I'll show you where to go in the documentation to learn all about these tasks. In addition, I'll show how all of this comes together in the build we use for MXUnit. A small bonus -- using ANT for version numbering -- will sneak in there, too b/c it's so cool.

To learn more visit:

CF Meetup: BlazeDS Revealed! , with Tom Jordahl of Adobe

CF Meetup: BlazeDS Revealed! , with Tom Jordahl of Adobe

Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 6:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Description: Recently Adobe announced the release of BlazeDS which will make some key server technologies open source and free to use in any application. These technologies are critical to building great applications with Flex and AIR. Tom will talk about exactly what you get in BlazeDS and how it relates to LiveCycle Data Services and will detail some of the reasons why you might want to use these server technologies. He will also explain how ColdFusion developers can take advantage of BlazeDS in their applications.

To learn more visit:

CFUnited USA New Topic Spotlight - Ajax Usability

"AJAX Usability" is a new topic in the Accessibility/Usability/UI Track

Presented By Rachel Maxim

The many user interface enhancements now possible with AJAX bring along a new set of usability problems. Read More...

Rachel has been designing and developing websites for about 8 years, with a background in graphic design and a current focus on usability and UI design. As a true generalist, she also works with ColdFusion and Flex, and holds the title of Director of Marketing at MainStreet Lender in Chevy Chase, MD

This is Rachel Maxim's first talk at CFUnited. We are excited to welcome her for 2008!

Adobe Air & Flex 3 released today

For all of you who have been patiently waiting, the wait is finally over... Adobe Air & Adobe Flex Builder 3 were released today!
You can check out the official Adobe press release here.

Be sure to check out related RIA topics at CFUnited Europe conference:
Adobe Flex 3 Overview: Latest features
Presented By Enrique Duvos

Taking Web Applications to the Desktop: Intro to Adobe AIR 1.0
Presented By Enrique Duvos

Enterprise RIAs: LiveCycle Data Services / BlazeDS
Presented By Nick Watson

Also check out the RIA track at CFUnited conference USA

CF Meetup: "Testing with cfcUnit", with John Mason

CF Meetup: "Testing with cfcUnit", with John Mason

Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 12:00 PM

Meeting URL:

Description: Unit testing and test-driven development are common in the Java world but can still be fairly new to web developers. We will explore the different types of testing and how unit testing fits in. We'll try to address why unit testing is something you will want to do in your future development and current projects. Next, we will see how CFCUnit helps us in performing unit tests against our ColdFusion coding and then how it applies to the test driven development (TDD) methodology. Finally, we'll explore continuous testing with CFCUnit and ANT. With ANT, you can automate your unit tests and run them either command line or with Eclipse.

To learn more visit:

CFUnited New Topic Spotlight - Spiral Web

Announcing a new topic for the Manager Track by Michael Smith.
"Spiral Web  the future of web society"

What is coming in the next year for the web? What about in the next five years? How can we predict trends in websites? Spiral web provides both insight into existing websites and predicts future trends in websites. Based on the long established theory of spiral dynamics for human society development, Spiral Web explains and predicts the evolution of web societies.

Be sure not to miss this new session at CFUnited USA 2008 June 18-21st at the DC Convention Center.

Read More about Michael Smith

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