CFUnited Blog

MORE New speakers and topics announced in March

I couldn't hold out on these awesome new topics any more so I'm announcing them today.

Raymond Camden Charting and ColdFusion

Simon Free Facebook apps with a ColdFusion backend

Oguz Demirkapi Geolocation with ColdFusion

Peter Bell RAD Object Oriented CF Development

Mark Drew Model-Glue and you: MVC, hassle free!

Pete Freitag Design Diagrams for CFC's and Databases

CFUnited Express New York April 20th

Hello NYC! We are coming back to your home town.

Only $149

Register now!

It will be held at the Pace University on April 20th.

We will have coffee, snacks, lunch, and lots of free stuff. Including a CF8 tag poster for each person. Lots of prizes and software to give away. Even a free ticket to CFUnited.

REMEMBER, when you register at an express event you can use 100% of your registration as a discount towards CFUnited's main event in August.

Topics and Speakers:

Advanced Custom Tags Presented By Ben Nadel

Charting with ColdFusion and Flex Presented By Andrew Schwabe

Flex-a-sketch: Creating online drawing and image creation tools Presented By Simon Free

Practical Code Generation Presented By Peter Bell

Selling Selling CF Development to Small and Mid Size Businesses Presented By Sean Hanover

TBA topic Presented By Jeff Tapper

1yr FREE shared hosting for registering before March 31st

As proud sponsors of CFUnited conference 2009 Media3 is offering registered attendees 1 YEAR of free CF shared hosting.


And 20% our CF Enterprise Hyper - V VPs'

( see

Both use the latest technology. Dell 900 servers with network storage running Window 2008 data center edition. This is 64 bit architecture and resides on a gigi bit switch network in our new SAS70 data center!

Important: This offer requires that you register by March 31st and you must contact liz (at) to take advantage of this offer. (Those who are already registered can contact Liz now)

The minimum saving is just under $300.00 effectively reducing your cost to register significantly.

See you at the show.

Bob Hayes

founder and CEO Media 3 Technologies

CFUnited Express Atlanta April 15th

Hello Atlanta! We are coming back to your home town.

Only $149

Register now!

It will be held at the RoundBox offices on April 15th.

We will have coffee, snacks, lunch, and lots of free stuff. Including a CF8 tag poster for each person. Lots of prizes and software to give away. Even a free ticket to CFUnited. More speakers will be announced soon. So far we have Charlie Arehart, Josh Adams, Douglas Knudsen, and Andrew Powell. Stay tuned!

REMEMBER, when you register at an express event you can use 100% of your registration as a discount towards CFUnited's main event in August.

CFUnited Express Denver April 6th

Please pass along the information.

CFUnited is coming to Denver for the first time!

Only $149 Register now!

It will be held at the Denver Athletic Club on April 6th.

We will have coffee, snacks, lunch, and lots of free stuff. Including a CF8 tag poster for everyone. Lots of prizes and software to give away. Even a free ticket to CFUnited. More speakers will be announced soon. So far we have Patrick Quinn, Nate Nelson, and Rob Rusher. Stay tuned!

REMEMBER, when you register at an express event you can use 100% of your registration as a discount towards CFUnited's main event in August.

New Silver Sponsor - Vertbase

We are excited to announce a new Silver sponsor for CFUnited. Thank you for your support!

Vertabase was founded in 1997 with a vision to offer innovative productivity solutions. First launched in 1999, Vertabase's flagship product Vertabase 4 provides advanced resource planning, easy-to-use project management, project tracking and comprehensive document management.

Vertabase 4 project management software organizes people and projects by simplifying, centralizing and accelerating access to critical up-to-date information. Vertabase 4 project management software facilitates management by providing a framework for increased productivity.

Call for Women Speakers

Hello Ladies!

A recent conversation has been sparked by Raymond Camden with someone who recently asked why conferences can't find that many women speakers. I think lots of conferences would like to see more women participate as a speaker.

See blog entry here:

CFUnited has seen increased numbers in women attending over the years and I think it adds a nice balance to the event overall. However, we don't see that many women submitting topics in the call for speakers.

Because of this recent discussion I have decided to open the call for speakers again for women only. I've open up 5 more topic slots starting today. Submit on the call for speakers until March 20th. I'll post all the choices in a survey on March 23rd and let the community vote again for two weeks. And to further my support I'm going to submit a topic as well.

I'm glad to announce that Selene Bainum will be added as a speaker soon to a Database Track. And of course Dee Sadler is currently accepted as a speaker.

Thanks Ladies and I'm excited to see ideas for new topics.

Note: I will post on this blog what topics have been submitted from women already so that they get a chance too. And as they come in, I'll try to update this entry as well in the comments section.

New speakers and topics announced

Congratulations to Mike Brunt, David Tucker, Andrew Powell, Yakov Fain, Jun Heider, and RJ Owen!!

We are so excited to announced the next round of speakers accepted for CFUnited 2009!

Kurt Wiersma (replacing Matt Woodward) "Head First Mach II"

Mike Brunt "Building an Enterprise Install of ColdFusion from Ground Zero"

David Tucker "Working with Data in AIR"

Andrew Powell "Blowing Your Mind With Merapi"

Yakov Fain "Using Design Patterns in Flex"

Jun Heider "Intro to Flex Debugging and Profiling"

RJ Owen "Flex 4 Components"

Win a Hyper-V VPS from Media3

We are very excited to have Media3 as a Silver Sponsor at CFUnited this year. To share in all the excitement, Media3 is giving us a Hyper-V VPS to CFUnited so that we can raffle it off to a randomly selected registered attendee by March 31, 2009! These VPS' are residing on 64 bit DELL 900 series servers with CF Enterprise, and are connected to a Gigi Bit switched network in their SAS70 data center. It is the latest technology.

Below is a message from Bob Hayes, the CEO and Founder Media3.

We know that finding a reliable hosting company to work with is not easy. So you'll be happy to know that at Media3 we don't believe in cutting corners.

Our idea is simple and hasn't changed since 1995.

We specialize in hosting the powerful development features of ColdFusion from Adobe. The pages that you visit at are driven by ColdFusion, in fact, our entire support, billing , sales and control panel functions are driven by CF. As a Premier Adobe Hosting Partner and a long term CF user, we are uniquely positioned to assist you in all aspects of your ColdFusion hosting environment.

Have you ever watched the Miss Universe Pageant, used Equal Sweetener, Ever rode a Roller Coaster at Cedar Park in N.J. watched Ultimate Fighter Championship on Spike TV, thumbed through a National Geographic Magazine, heard of the United Auto Workers or United Nations? Well, all of the above and ten's of thousands more have trusted us with their web presence and email.

We are one of the pioneers in the website hosting industry. We currently serve thousands of professional website designers and developers, just like you. We know how important proper professional hosting is to you and your clients. SERIOUS HOSTING FOR SOLID BUSINESS

We are proud sponsors of the CFUNITED conference this August and hope to see you there. We are committed to the CF community and will be announcing a very special offer to ALL those who register, which we will announce at a later date. We have offered the Adobe evangelist free windows 2008 Hyper-V VPS' for both personal and professional projects. And we are looking to assist the community with any CF hosting issues.

For all those that register by March 31st Media3 is giving CFUnited one of our Hyper-V VPS to be given away in a drawing. These VPS' are residing on 64 bit DELL 900 series servers with CF Enterprise, and are connected to a Gigi Bit switched network in our SAS70 data center. It is the latest technology.

See the enhanced plan at

Look forward to seeing you at the show !

Bob Hayes CEO and Founder Media3

Do you have your CFUnited blog bling? We are picking February's winner 02/27/09!

We are giving away $200 at the end of each month to one lucky winner who has CFUnited Blog Bling on their blog/ website!

To enter the contest pick from the CFUnited Blog Bling, then fill out this form to submit your URL. At the end of each month between January - July 2009 we will pick a random winner from the URL's entered into the contest. Anyone can enter the contest and you can submit as many URL's as you like to enhance your chances of winning.

We are picking February's winner on 02/27/09 after 3pm, so go get your CFUnited Blog Bling now!

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